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We were driving and I was still confused. No one told me anything after we left the hospital. All I know is that the year is 2018 and I've missed six years of my life. Well, actually just forgot it. Beth had fallen asleep in the backseat, so I took the opportunity to finding out what was going on.

"Rachel?" I ask
"Yes Finn" she said still driving
"Where are we going?" I asked
"We are going to get some clothes from your house and then you'll be staying with Beth and I" she answered

I just nodded my head

"Why don't we live together?" I ask

Rachel frowns, and she keeps driving. She's silent and I was about to ask again until she said

"We're here"

I look and see a bunch of houses. They all look the same to me. I didn't realize I was still in the car till I heard Rachel open the door in the back to take out Beth. I get out and see Rachel carrying a sleeping Beth.

"Here, I'll hold her" I say grabbing Beth

I'm bigger so it's easier. I see Rachel go to a door and open it, so I follow. It's so strange, I live here, but I've never been here. At least I don't remember being here.

"I haven't been here in a long time" Rachel says looking around as well
"Wait you've never been inside here?" I ask still holding Beth
"Not since last year and it looks exactly the same" Rachel says sad
"Wait, so you use to live here too, but you don't anymore, why?" I ask

I set Beth on the couch and put the couch blanket on her. Rachel sighed as she looked at a photo. There were lots of photos here. But the only one I recognize is the two from sophomore year.

"Because we're divorced Finn" Rachel said sad

I take a seat, letting the words soak in.


What could have possibly happened for us to get divorced?

"Why?" I ask

I see Rachel set the photo down, and it's a picture of her and me. We're dressed up nice, like some sort of event. We look happy.

"You choose alcohol over me, and it wasn't till I divorced you that you stopped" Rachel said sitting next to me, wiping her eye

"I'm so sorry Rach," I say sad
"Don't, you don't even remember, so don't" she said getting up

I hold her arm

"Were we ever happy here?" I ask

She looked at me with sad eyes and smiled, nodding yes

"Yes, at one point we were very happy" she said heading upstairs

I just sat there. How could I just let her walk away? Why did I even let it get so bad for her to even think about that kind of stuff? This sucks. Last thing I remember is making my wife, my wife and the next day I wake up to find her my ex-wife.

I look at a photo of me and Rachel, at what looks like a hockey game and I get a quick flash

"You excited?" Rachel asks me

I'm sitting next to her as we wait for the hockey game to start

"Thanks for the tickets babe" I kiss her

As fast as it came, the faster it was gone. I don't even know what game it was. I don't even know when that was. It seems so familiar, but I don't know anything about it. Why is this so difficult? Why did the stupid car crash have to happen?


I hear from the couch. I see Beth waking up.

"Are we home yet?" She asked still sleepy
"No, not yet" I say
"When are we going to get there?" She asked laying back down
"Soon, I promise" I say rubbing her hair

I can't believe I forgot almost all of Beth growing up. No birthdays, no first Christmas, no first nightmares, nothing. How can I not remember my baby girl, or my other girl upstairs?

"Ok, wake me up when we get there" Beth shad closing her eyes

I let her fall back asleep as I see Rachel coming back downstairs with a bag. I see her eyes are red, so I know she's been crying. I grab Beth and go to the door.

I want to hug her so badly, but I don't even know if she'll let me.

"Let's go" Rachel says opening the door

I nod my head and walk out covering Beth. It's cold here in New York, I don't want Beth getting sick.

We get in the car and start driving,

After a while of driving I remember something from the hospital and I turn to Rachel,

"So, whose Steve?"

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