Steve the Dweeb

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We arrived at a tall building. It looked like a really nice hotel. I wanted to go in already but Rachel was telling me how she lives all the way at the top. Perks of being a Broadway star she explained.

I always knew she'd become just that, Broadway star. The way she explained how she accomplished her dream made me so happy.

But she still didn't answer my question about Steve. She just avoided it till we arrived here.

"I'll get the.." Rachel was trying to speak before being interrupted

"Hey mommy can mr.wiggles sleep with me tonight?" Beth asked wide awake

I looked at Rachel and she just smiled

"Maybe" she answered opening the door

I grabbed my duffle and Beth latched onto my hand

"Daddy mr.wiggles missed you lots, he's always barking and me and Audrey learned how to speak dog because aunt Britt showed us how and he kept saying how much he missed you" Beth rambled I just nodded my head smiling at my adorable daughter


They arrive upstairs


"Mr.Wiggles! Look daddy's home!!" Beth yelled

Rachel set her keys in a bowl by the door

"No running in the house" Rachel scolded

Beth was playing with mr.wiggles as she laid on the couch scratching his belly. I turned to Rachel

"Where should I put this?" I ask motioning to my duffel
"Um, here i'll put it in the guest room" Rachel said grabbing it

I followed her down this hallway where there was a bunch of doors. She opened the first one on the left. The guest bedroom was amazing. It had a beautiful view and everything was so clean and nice.

"Nice room" I say looking out the window

Rachel just smiles and stands next to me

"Yeah, I guess it's nice" she answers

I look at her and she looks at me. I see her big beautiful eyes are filled with sadness. I was about to say something when we hear a knock.

"I should go get that" Rachel say walking out "but feel free to look around" she answers walking out

I decide to sit there and stare at the ceiling. How is everything so messed up? Why can't I remember anything? Will I ever remember anything?

I hear giggling and I was about to go check it out when all of a sudden,


I walk out to find puck standing there. He looks so grown up and matured. He goes in for a hug, and I cautiously hug back,

"We missed you dude" he said hugging me

I pull away to find Quinn standing behind him,

"Rachel called and we decided to come into town and visit" she explained,

She held her small but noticeable bump, out of instinct I decided to hug her too. She was surprised but she gripped back.

"Auntie Quinn, when is Harper going to see me?" Beth asks staring at Quinn's stomach

Puck laughs and bends down picking her up,

"Soon we promise, you just have to wait four more months" Quinn answered laughing

Beth just giggled as Rachel walked in with a tray filled with drinks.

"Water for Q, orange juice for puck, and milk for Beth" Rachel smiled giving them each their cup

I smiled as I saw Beth's sippy cups, filled with stars, classic Rachel. We all sat as puck and Quinn tried to tell me memories. I feel really bad, because they're trying so hard.

Ding dong

We all hear, Rachel gets up and answer the door to reveal Santana and Britney, along with Blaine and Audrey.

"Where's Kurt?" Rachel asked
"Daddy had to work today auntie Rachel" Audrey answered
"Oh ok, well come in, come in" Rachel said motioning towards the inside

Audrey started running around with Beth squealing

"Girls, remember the rule! No running in the house" Rachel yelled from the kitchen
"Oh come on, Rachel, loosen up a little" Santana said leaning back

Rachel walked in with the same tray only it was filled with water cups

"Well excuse me for trying to keep my daughter safe" Rachel says sitting down
"Chill Rachel, chill" Santana said laughing

Rachel playfully rolled her eyes

"How come he got orange juice?" Blaine asked
"Because I'm awesome" puck answered earning a smack from Quinn

Rachel laughed, god how I missed that laugh,

"Because he was here first" she answered smiling
"Whatever" Britney said causing all of us to laugh

Ding dong

"Ugh, who else could possibly come here?" Quinn asked out loud

Rachel smiled as Santana got up

"I'll go kick whoever it is to the curb" Santana said opening the door

We all just sat there patiently until Santana opened up. It was some weird looking guy.....ok fine he wasn't that weird looking. Which means I know I'm already going to hate the guy.

"Oh look it's just the trash" Santana said rolling her eyes
"Nice to see you as well Santana" the guy answered walking in

He looked around and his face turned to confusion and then he saw me and I couldn't really read his face after that. But Rachel jolted up and walked toward him

"Steve, what are you doing here?" Rachel asked
"I came here for our date, remember?" He asked

Rachel closed her eyes

"I'm so sorry, I forgot, Finn woke up and he can't remember anything so he's staying with us, and I guess I forgot to call you, I'm sorry" she answered

Steve showed a sickly sweet smile

"That's ok" he answered

Santana walked back to the couch and mumbled


Everyone was quiet, until Beth and Audrey ran into the living room in tiaras and pink tutus while wearing long red capes. They stopped as soon as they saw Steve. Audrey ran to blaine sticking her tongue out so Steve couldn't see. Quinn laughed as Blaine tried to hide his smile. I'm guessing no one likes Steve.

Steve walked over to Beth as Rachel ran to the kitchen. He crouched down to a tiara, cape wearing Beth and said,

"How's my favorite girl?" He smiled
"Steve the dweeb, please do not address me that way, I do not like you dating my mommy, which means I do not like you, at all" Beth said all formal and crossing her arms unamused

Everyone started laughing and snickering as Steve's stupid smile turned upside down. He just stood up and walked to away from us on the couch. Beth smiled and walked over to me. But before she did, she threw a thumbs up to a proud looking Santana who had her thumbs up as well.

This is going to be interesting.

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