Get Some...

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~in the morning~

When I woke up I felt a warm heavy figure on me and I knew it was Megan. I needed to get up so I could go to morning skate so I started whispering 'Megan, wake up.' But I didn't get a reply. I thought she must've been beat. I finally opened my eyes to see Megan in the doorway, laughing. Then I came to the realization that Cody was on top of me, not Megan. Right then Jonny walked by the room and couldn't help but stop to see what was so funny.

"Oh. You got someone too, and it ain't Megan." Jon said as he was putting his beanie on.

"Haha. Real funny Captain Serious." I told him. I decided to wink at him to because I knew that would irk him the most,and it did.

"Hurry up and get ready. We got things to do!" Jonathan told me in response. I could hear in his voice that he was annoyed.

"Ok I'm coming," right when I told him Cody jumped of me and ran to greet Megan.

"Hi Cody. Hi buddy!" I could hear the love in Megan's voice. She was really happy that she got the dog for us. I was also happy.

About 10 minutes later is was 8:45 and we had to be at the United Center in 15 minutes for our 9 o'clock morning skate. I ran downstairs and said goodbye to Megan and everyone else, including Cody. As I walked out the door I couldn't help but smile because I was so thankful about our relationship.

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