New Addition

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"Guys what do you think of getting Patrick a dog?" I asked Erica,Jessica, and Jacqueline. I just broke the conversation with that question, but I was thinking of getting us one and I wanted to know what they think.

"That is a great idea. What made you think of it?" Jessica asked me while we took a right to enter the mall.

"Well Patrick went to Boston for a couple of days two weeks ago and stayed with Tyler Seguin. Ever since he has been talking about Tyler's dog, Marshall." I replied as we got out of the car to enter American Eagle.

"I think he would love that! But don't leave him with the dog for more then 24 hours cause when we were younger we...well he had turtles and they died instantly," Erica said. Right after she referred to the turtles we all started to laugh.

"That is so true. But that is a great idea Megan." Jacqueline said in between laughing.

"Ok, then it's settled I will get him a dog. Will you guys come with me to the SPCA?" I asked while looking around in American Eagle.

"OMG that would be so fun!" All three of them said.

"Ok we can go after we leave the mall!" I said now getting excited. "But for now we will have girl time!" I told the girls and we all laughed.

"What kind of dog do you want to get him?" Erica asked me while she was trying on a pair of jeans.

"I don't really know that is why I want to go to the SPCA, so we can look at the different dogs and the playful, cutest one is the one I want to get him! I also know I want it to be a puppy!" I told her while she stepped out of the dressing room. "Those look amazing! " I told her while she rotated so I could see a 360 view.

"Thanks! And that sounds like a good plan!" She agreed while she stepped back into the stall so we could purchase the clothes then move onto the next store.

After about 2 hours of shopping at the mall we decided to drive the 15 minute ride to the SPCA. It was now 3 o'clock. We didn't want to be shopping all day, so we decided to cut ourselves of before we got to caught up in the stores. We were still talking about the dogs and how cute they would be. When we finally got into the SPCA's parking lot I said, "well here we are. Lets go get us a puppy!" We all entered the SPCA. Then it dawned on me. "Guys does the apartment building allow dogs?" I started to freak out, but luckily Jessica thought of a good plan.

"Ok we will call the apartment building and if they say no we will try to bargain." Jessica said. She was really good at calming people down.

"Ok that's a good plan," I said while dialing the buildings number. "Hello. I have a question... I live on floor 11, the complex, with Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane. And all floor 11 is ours and I was wondering if we are allowed to have dogs?" I asked the man on the phone. "Yes you are allowed to have dogs just make sure he is being watched at all times" when I heard dogs were allowed I gained a huge smile! "Ok I will make sure the dog is always being watched, thank you!" I answered and at that I hung up. "Animals are allowed!" I told the girls with a huge smile on my face!

"Yay!" They all said. "Lets go look at some dogs" we all agreed! We then laughed an walked in. When we walked in no one was here. We then saw a lady walk from behind the door.

"How may I help you young ladies?" She asked me while sitting down in her chair."I could see the stress role off of her shoulders when she sat.

"We were looking to adopt." I told the lady with a smile on my face.

"Ok well just go through the doors on the right and they are all aligned on the sides. Let me know when you have found one." She said while she started to type on her computer.

My Life with Patrick KaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang