Mother and Son Bonding

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"I'm glad we can hang out today. It will be nice to have a one on one day today!" I told my mom while opening the car door for her.

"You're right. This is going to be fun." My mom agreed as she got out of the car. "Thank you." She said while walking in front of me. "So you really like Megan, don't you?" my mom asked while turning around to face me.

"Yea. I really do! I know we have only been together for a couple of months, but I think she is the one. I'm not saying that I want to ask her to marry me...yet. I'm just saying I don't want to loose her." I told my mom while we walked into Macy's.

"Then you can't do anything stupid. Last night I was talking to your father and we both agreed that she is the one for you. You guys look at each other with such passion. She holds you down. We also agreed that she is the first girl we actually approve of." My mother said while drifting side to side looking at different clothing.

"Well that means a lot because I'm going to buy her a ring. A promise ring. We are both going to have one but mine is going to be a necklace chain. The night I give it to her I am going to explain it all. Then we are going to make one promise to each other. We will always keep that promise because we will always be wearing that piece of jewelry. This will also remind us of each other. My promise to her is that I'm not going to give into any temptations." I said while walking over to the jewelry counter.

"Patrick that is a great idea! Your promise will mean the world to her. Believe me!" My mom said while looking at different sets of jewelry.

"That's why I need you. I need your say in the ring. I want to make sure it's perfect." I said while walking over to we're all the rings are.

My mom walked over to me and said, "honey, any ring you get her she will adore." Then I felt my mom put her hand on my back which made me relax a little bit.

"Thank you so much." I told my mom. At this point I saw a ring that caught my eye. "What about this one?" I asked her while pointing it out.

"That one is great! You're welcome...but I don't know what for?" She said while looking straight into my eyes.

"For all the support your giving me. It really helps me calm down." I told her now wrapping my hands around her, so I could give her a big bear hug!

"Honey, you know I will support everything you do!" She said hugging me back. "What chain are you getting? Also when are you going to give it to her?" She asked right after the hug.

"I was thinking about this chain. I think for her birthday. Her birthday is on December 31. So in two weeks." I responded while purchasing the ring and now my chain.

"Patrick that will be the best birthday present in the world! And that is a very nice chain." My mom told me while we were walking out if Macy's.

"I thought so too. I'm glad you came with me," I told her while we go in the car to go back to my apartment.

"I'm glad I could help!" She replied now rubbing my shoulder.

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