♥Chapter: 22♥

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It became the end of the school day and trust me, I was an emotional wreck.

God only knows how terrible my day has been.

I can't believe Xavier actually replaced me with this new-thinks-she's-all-that girl named Kim. I thought he actually missed me, I thought he actually wanted to try and give this another chance, I thought he still had feelings for me, I thought he wouldn't be able to get over me... but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Throughout the whole day, I cried in every single class that I had to be sent to the guidance counselor, and trust me, that didn't help one bit. It only made me cry even stronger when I told her about my situation and she was giving me some lousy advice on tryin to move on and find somebody else.

NO! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE ON!!! I WANT XAVIER!! I NEED XAVIER!!! AND I LOVE HIM!! Why can't anybody understand me!?

I'm in a tough situation and I just want things to go my way...

I guess it can never be, because quite frankly Xavier found that new girl to be just as attractive and stole her.

She stole Xavier away from me...

She torn my heart away from him...

He just allowed it... and I couldn't bear to just relax and wonder why he didn't even try to get back with me when he said he loves me.

But whom am I kidding?

I love Xavier just as much and I know I can't try to get back with him or Tyrese will whip my ass.

No, I'm not down for abuse.

I had enough of that already... but what's killing me inside is that whenever I try talking to Xavier he wouldn't even wanna talk back to me.

Ex's talk back to each other just as friends don't they?

So why wouldn't Xavier talk back to me?

I was losing my mind all day, and Jayda still didn't seem to make me feel any better from all these tears, heartaches and headaches I've been getting.

As we was outside the school building at the parking lot, all she did was tell me the same shit the guidance counselor told me and it was only making me wanna hurt myself for ever letting him go and letting Tyrese take power over me. I felt like I should crawl under a hole and never crawl back out.

If I couldn't have Xavier, I don't think I'll ever be alright.

"Aww Camille c'mon. Don't do this to yourself girl. Stop crying those tears."

"You don't understand Jayda!!!" I said as I kept crying and crying, causing a lot of attention. But I didn't care. Didn't other people know how it feels like to have a broken-heart?

"Camille I do understand! Don't say that to me. I told you that maybe if Xavier doesn't want you back, you shouldn't be wasting your time crying over him. Find somebody new who-"

"NOOOOOO!!!!! I c-c-can't. I-I-I want X-Xavier, he's-he's-he's my-my every-every-everything!"

"Camille you're starting to make people think you're some dang ol' crybaby. Stop doing that."


"WHAT DO I NOT GET CAMILLE!? I'm trying to make you feel better. MOVE ON."

"NO Jayda! NO! You don't know how much it's killing me inside to see that fuckin hoochie named Kim date my true love! HE'S MY TRUE LOVE JAYDA! Not her! You don't know how shocked I was to find out how quickly Xavier would just move on like that. I still thought that he still had some love inside of him for me. But I was wrong Jayda... I-I- I was wrong... I was dead wrong. Oh God what the hell have I done!?" I said crying again hysterically.

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