Romano x Tomato~

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~Bored as fudge right I'm making a Romano x Tomato chapter...DEAL WITH IT. Plus....he did say that he loves tomatoes and made a song about it...~

"Gahhh...Your so beautiful my tomato~"
Romano said, "You're way better than that jerk bastard Spain is..."

"I know!" The tomato sqeaked, "You're gorgeous to~!"

~Oh god...I need professional help!! XD I made the tomato TALK~

"Awww, thank you!" Romano said blushing.

"Ye!" The tomato squeaked again.

"HEY AMIGO, YOU WANNA GO OUT ON A D- Holy crap." Spain said budging in on them, "IS THAT A TALKING KAWAII TOMATO!?" He screamed.

"No.....yes....I mean- YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM YOU BASTARD!!" Romano hugged his tomato.

"Awwww, she's so KAWAII!!!" He fangirled.

"She's mine, don't touch her, Jerk bastard Spain!!" Romano said as he hugged it once more.

"Ve~!" The tomato squeaked as she blushed, "You so pretty Romano!"

"Awww, you to my, bella~" He said.

"Romano! Romano! Wake up!" He heard a voice in the distance, "Wake up you, lazy tomato!!"

"What?" He said with a shiver in his voice, "Who's that?! Show yourself you, bastard!!"

"Waaake up, Fretello!!" another voice said, "Fretello, wake up!!"

"GAH!" Romano said with a scream. It was all a dream.

"You, bastards, woke me up in a very f*cking lovely dream!! Idiots, now I can't go to sleep now!!" He yelled.

"Im~a so sorry, Fretello, but I had to tell you something!!" Italy said.

"Well, that's what you get when you head-butted m-" Spain started to say.

"Shut up, Jerk bastard Spain!!" Romano said.

"But Romano! I have to tell~a you something~a!!" Italy whinned.

"What is it, bastard #2." Romano said with a grouch.

"It's~a about...the tower." Italy said, "You know~a the tower I used the blue print of?"

"Si. What about it?" He said.

"'s leaning..." Italy said nervously.

"WHAT!?" Romano yelled.

~Okay...I'm just going to end it here...hope you enjoy!~

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