When you first met

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~ Natsu ~

     You were new at the city and you wanted to join the guild Fairy Tail. You were in your new apartment when suddenly you heard the sound of something falling in the living room and when you went the living room, there was a pink haired guy on the floor
"Natsu! I said that this wasn't--" a blue cat came flying from the window and stopped when he saw you "see! This isn't Lucy's apartment you idiot!" he facepalmed "ugh..." the guy that was on the floor stood up and looked at you "oh... Sorry about that..." he rubbed the back of his neck "I thought this was my friend's apartment..." "uh... Okay..." he just stood there "am... get out?" you said "Oh yeah! Sorry! Bye!" he jumped out of the window and the cat followed him "what the hell..." you thought, your left eye twitching

~ Gray ~

     It was winter and it was snowing, you were having a walk because you just loved the cold. Suddenly, you saw a shirtless guy sitting on a bench "what the... Isn't he cold?!" you thought and approached the guy "Um... Excuse me..." he looked up "Yes?" "Aren't you cold...?" you asked and he blinked "No... Why?" "Well... your shirtless... Normally people would be cold if they were shirtless in the snow..." you said like it was the most obvious thing "he looked down "WAH!!! WHAT THE HELL!! WHERE IS MY SHIRT" he started to look for his shirt and then looked at you "t-thanks for telling me! Bye" he ran off to find a shirt "This world is full of weirdos..." you muttered

~ Laxus ~

     You were walking in a storm, trying to find a safe place "damn..." you said while covering your face from the rain. Suddenly, a lighting fell from the sky in your direction, you were going to use your magic to stop it but the lighting went to your left and you saw a blond guy standing there WITH THE FUCKING LIGHTING HITTING HIM "w-wha-?!" you thought "he must me a mage..." them the lighting stopped and he looked at you "you okay?" he asked "yeah... thanks..." he just nodded and walked away "I could have defended myself..." you muttered, but a certain lighting mage heard and smirked

~ Rogue ~

     You were sitting on a bench at the park when suddenly you heard a male voice
"Froach! Hey Froach! We're are you?!" you saw a black haired guy searching for something and when he noticed you, he ran to you "hey, have you seen a little green cat with a pink outfit?" he asked "Oh, yeah... I just ran past here" you answered "thanks!" he said and ran to find his "cat" "This little thing was a cat...?" you asked yourself

~ Lyon ~

     You were good friends with Gray, you guys knew each other in a long time, but you didn't know Lyon. You two were hanging out in the park and a certain white haired male just happened to past by and saw you two talking. He started to walk again but stopped and looked at you two again, mostly for you, and began to blush "oh ma fucking god she's a goddess" he thought and hid behind a bush. But Gray saw him and his right eye began twitching "Oi! I can see you, dumbass!" he yelled and Lyon got out from the bush "NO YOU CAN'T" and he ran off "Gray... Who..." you started a little confused "Anyone, anyone..." he said waving his hand

~ Gajeel ~

     You were at the library, and no you're not a nerd, you were at the library... Buying yaoi mangas (A/N ~ sorry if you dislike it...). You found the one that you wanted but the shelf was too high for you and you started to jump, trying to grab the manga. When suddenly a gloved hand grabbed it and you looked behind you to see a guy with long black hair and a lot of piercings "yaoi,huh?" he asked in a teasing tone. You puffed your cheeks out "yeah! now can you give it to me?" he smirked and handed you the manga "hehe... Bye... Perv" he said and walked away "I... Pfft! I'm not a PERV... Just a little bit..."

~ Sting ~

     You were at a carnival, playing some shooting games, you were VERY good at shooting game, people started to watch you shooting with awe. Suddenly a blonde guy appeared next to you with a smirk "you pretty good, huh?" he said and picked up one of the guns "what about a challenge?" you raised an eyebrow and smirked "prepare to have your ass kicked"
     "Woah! I was smashed!" he said, you chuckled "yep!" he grinned "well! It was nice to play with you! See ya" he said and ran off "I TOTALLY CRUSHED HIM" you thought

~ Zeref ~

You were at Tenroujima island to the S-class mage test. You didn't know where your partner was because you two got separated. You were looking for him but you couldn't find him "Where the hell is he..." you then saw a black-haired man sitting next to a tree and approached to ask him if he saw your partner "a-am... mister?" he turned to you with wide eyes "h-have you see--" "don't come near me!" he exclaimed and backed away "huh? Why not?" "I-I'm a monster... I'm going to kill you..." you frowned and approached him "w-what are you doing?! I said to--" "You're not a monster..." "yes I am! Please, I don't want to kill yo--" suddenly you felt an enormous amount of magic and saw a black magic getting out of him and going straight to you. You dodged it with your light magic "oh... You were talking about that..." he looked at you with eyes widened in shock "h-how did you..." you smiled "my light magic can repel any dark magic" he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a male voice "(Y/N)! where are you?!" you looked behind you "it's my partner... I have to go! Bye!" "W-wait!" he exclaimed "huh?" "y-you're going to come back...?" he asked and you grinned "of course! I promise!" he smiled and you ran to find your partner. When you were gone, he looked at the sky and a tear fell from his eye "this is the first person..."

~ Midnight ~

You and your guild mates were fighting with Oración Seis and you were winning, but they were only five, one was missing and that worried you. "where the hell--" you thoughts were interrupted by a black ball of magic coming in your direction. You dodged it and looked to your left to see a guy with black hair and eyes red like blood. "Umm... Your not bad..." he smirked and you smirked back "ehh... You're not that bad too..." he raised an eyebrow and turned to the other members "let's go, I'm not gonna waste my time here" they all nodded and they turned around to walk away but the black-haired guy looked at you over his shoulder "I'm gonna fight you again... (-Y-N-)-c-h-a-n" he insisted to say each syllable of your name and continued to walk. Your eyes widened "h-how does he know my name?!" you gritted you teeth "this guy..."

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