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Walter's P.O.V.

When I wake, I instantly feel a sharp pain slam into my forehead. Groaning, I open my eyes, trying to wake myself.

"Walter?" Paige asks, who is sitting next to me.

"Paige?" I mutter softly, sounding weak from my headache.

"Yeah, Walter? Are you okay?"

"Not exactly," I murmur, the pounding of my head like the ticking of a clock. "I'll live. It just hurts really bad."

"A nurse is coming soon, they'll give you some pain meds or something."

My head continues to throb, the pain relentless. I groan again, causing Paige to rub my arm soothingly.

"Thank you," I mumble as I start to relax. Whenever I'm hurt, physically or mentally, Paige is always there to comfort me. She knows exactly how to calm me down and make me feel better. Maybe she gets it from being a parent.

"You shouldn't be thanking me," Paige says. "You're the one who saved my life."

"Paige, you have saved me plenty of times. I saved you because I, uh, care about you. We save each other because we care about each other. If we think we owe each other based off of how many times I've saved you and vice versa, this isn't going to work," I tell her. Just because I almost died saving her doesn't mean that she hasn't done anything for me. "Anyways," I start,"What happened? It's kind of all a blur in my head, and when I try to think about it, my head hurts from concentrating. Maybe if I know what happened, I'll remember."

"Someone ran us off the road. They just left us there after they crashed into us. When we crashed off the road, you hit your head hard on the car door. I-I didn't think that you would wake up. T-there was a lot of b-blood, and I got scared. I-I thought t-that I l-lost you," Paige stutters as tears run down her face. "I d-didn't think t-that I would s-see you again."

She lays her head on the edge of my bed. I lie one of my arms on top of her, trying to calm her down.

"Hey, I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. You saved me, Walter. I probably would have died if you didn't put your body between mine and the door."

I sit up and try to climb out of bed onto my feet, but the pain in my head gets worse, causing me to lie back down into bed.

"Walter? What are you doing?"

"Whoever did this isn't going to get away. I'm going to find them."

I try to stand up again, this time a little more successful. The pain in my head is still intense, but I knew what to expect this time. I try to take a step to the door, but loose my balance. Paige runs over to me, dashing around the bed, and holds me up before I fall to the floor.

"Thanks," I mumble. "Can you help me get back to the garage, please? I need to get back to work."

"Walter? Are you okay?"


"I don't think you are, because you were just in a serious car accident, and you think you can go straight back to work within minutes of waking up."

She walks me back to my bed and lies me down carefully. Once she sits back in her chair next to me, the nurse walks in.

"Mr. O'Brien, glad to see that you're awake. Sorry I took so long."

"Um, okay."

I rub my fingers against my temple, trying to get rid of my killer headache.

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