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If you have not watched episode 2x10, Arrivals and Departures, which aired on November 23rd, 2015, there are spoilers.

Walter's P.O.V.

Megan is dead.

It's all I can think about.

After I finish telling my story about how Megan saved me, everyone is a little less sad. Even though she's gone, hearing something else about her that you haven't heard before makes you feel better.

My parents and Sylvester leave, followed by Cabe and Ralph. Since Ralph wanted to come with Cabe to drive my parents and Sylvester to their hotel, Paige let him.

Paige sits next to me on a couch in the garage. Although my whole life feels crushed, Paige being here helps. She is like the silver lining in any terrible situation.

"How are you holding up?"

"Not very well," I respond to her, stating the facts about how I am feeling. It's not exactly the whole truth, but enough of it, I guess. I feel angry, like I could punch something for hours, not caring that my knuckles get bloody, because Megan suffered worse than that. I feel like I could lock myself in my room for days to work on useless experiments, only coming out to eat every once and a while. But not very well sums all that up, right?

Happy and Toby walk out the backdoor. I don't know where they're going, but I don't really care either. My sister is dead, and I couldn't save her. I failed when she needed me the most. She was an amazing sister and was always there for me, but when I had to be there for her, I screwed up. She told me to not be afraid to love, but I am. I loved her, and I failed her. What if I do that again? What if someone else I care about dies because I can't save them?

Paige wraps her arms around my shoulders, her now sitting directly behind me. She lays her head next to my neck, and I shiver. I don't know what it is, but a feeling rushes through my body at her touch. I'm used to this though. I've been gathering data for months, and no matter what, the only person who can send this, this feeling, through my body is Paige. Even when I was drunk with that girl at the bar, I never got the same feeling as when Paige's arm accidentally brushes against mine, or when she pulls me into a hug after a rough case. But what is this feeling?

"Don't be too hard on yourself," she whispers to me, her hand running through my hair like she does to Ralph when he's upset about something. "You tried as hard as you could."

"That's not what bothers me," I mumble into the space in front of me.

"What is it? You don't have to tell me, but I'm here if it will make you feel better."

I sigh, taking in a deep breath. "Not succeeding isn't what bothers me. Many of my experiments have failed, and I'm okay with that. I'm angry with myself because I failed her. She was there my whole life, and right when she needed me, I failed."

Paige slides to the front of the couch, and cups my cheeks in her hands. "Paige, what are y-"

"Walter, you didn't fail her. You were there, right before she died, and that was when she needed you most. She needed you to be there, as her brother, one last time, and despite the obstacles, you were." Paige wraps her arms around me, lying her head in my shoulder. "You didn't fail her."

"I know it's hard for you to see it the way I see it, because not many people are like me," I start, feeling unstable inside. What is this feeling? "But another reason this bothers me is she is not the first person I have failed that I love. I failed my parents when I left and hadn't talked to them for fifteen years, I failed Cabe when I refused to acknowledge him after the Bagdad bombing that he didn't tell me about to protect me. I failed Toby when I didn't put his life before everything else when we were trapped in that building. I've failed everyone: Happy, Sylvester, Cabe, Megan, my parents, Toby, and... you and Ralph. I failed you, too."

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