Capitolo IV

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In the following days presiding the gathering, my father had made efforts to prepare for the trip that our family would be taking. We would be travelling to Florence, Italy to meet the rest of the Medici family. He had explained it would be an effective way for us to become more united, but I however didn't like the idea that much. Just the thought sent my heart in acrobatics. Their family is incredibly wealthy, and they are the family of the Catholic Popes. 

Sounds fantastic, I guess I'll be meeting the Pope for dinner. Wonderful.

I chided myself for having those thoughts, but I doubted I was the only one. My father had been acting strange this entire time. He wouldn't come out of his room for hours and when he did, he acted distracted and out of sorts. My mother explained he was just worried. Part of me thought she was lying. I had asked my mother why he was acting this way, and she darted around the subject.

"You don't need to worry, your father is just wanting to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Ok...but why do we have to take a trip in the first place?"

She sighed, closing the book that she had been reading. Patting the seat next to her, she smiled slightly. "Your father is very thorough. When we were engaged, he had stayed up for hours planning out our dates. He would go over every detail, every possible scenario and make plans on how to be prepared. Honestly it made courting that much more difficult. But finally I sat down and talked to him about his behavior. He had pure intentions, but it was obstructing our relationship. He finally realized that he needed to relax and stop thinking so much," she placed a gentle hand on my arm, inhaling deeply. "I believe you're the same way a little bit."

"Am I?"

She nodded.

I sighed, feeling some of the tension leaving me. "Do you think that they'll like me? The Medici family I mean."

My mother's smile grew. "I know that it seems daunting, being who they are, but Lord Lorenzo and Clarice are very fond of you. And-" her eyebrows rose mischievously "-I think that Adrianos is as well."

I could feel my heart jump in my chest. I jokingly nudged her with my elbow. "Mom!"

A pure laugh escaped her as she smiled. "I'm sorry Stella but I'm not going to lie, Adrianos is a very good catch."

I could feel the embarrassment growing. Why did my mother not have a filter? Honestly.

"Please don't embarrass me when we meet them! Actually, you should just not say anything. Or maybe I just...shouldn't go...argh!"

She picked up the book that she had been reading, setting it next to the stand by our couch. "Oh stop, you'll be fine. I think you-"


I glanced behind my shoulder to see Monticello standing in the doorway, stiff as a statue. "Excuse me, my lady, but Lord Baines is asking for you."

My mother rose, squeezing my shoulder gently. "I'll be back."

Monticello moved aside as she exited the room, leaving just us.

After a few moments, I spoke. "How is my father? Is he...still pacing his room?"

Monticello shook his head. "You're father is preparing the plane for our travels. He's actually been more level-headed this afternoon."

I nodded, twiddling my fingers in my lap. The image of his cold stare from the other night danced around my thoughts. 

"If you don't need anything, I'll be leaving."


Monticello turned, a questioning look on his face. "Yes?"

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