Capitolo VIII

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This wasn't happening. This wasn't possible. How could he?

His eyes met mine. Eyes with terrifying red irises that matched the color of Adrianos' crimson wound that caught the light. I could see the people running about, getting away. It was as if they were in slow motion, blurred shadows that ran across the edges of my vision. I couldn't pull away from Monticello's cold gaze, I couldn't move, my legs didn't obey. His lips moved, forming words that I couldn't comprehend. Suddenly he lunged, hand reaching out towards me.

I snapped out of the trance, suddenly aware of my surroundings once again. A scream rang through the air, piercing my ears. I realized it was mine as Monticello advanced. Scrambling to my feet, I tried to make a run for it but he was much faster.

I felt a tug as he pulled me backwards, slipping me off my feet. 

"Let go of me! Let go of me you monster!" my voice was small, even though I was shouting. I could feel the pain shoot through my chest as he forced me around, facing him. I never felt such hatred for him. I had never been betrayed like this. 


I shoved with all my might against his chest, hoping that my flailing legs would hit him. He however was not phased by my attempts to disable him, and held on my arms with an iron grip. 

"Stella listen to me! We need to leave, the quelli scuri will-"

"No! Let. Go. Of. Me!"

"Fine," his grasp loosened ever so slightly and then he released my arm and brought his blood stained hand to my face. Taking the opening, I swung my arm as hard as I could to hit him where I could.

He dodged effortlessly, placing two fingers against my skull, no matter how much I squirmed.

For a second, the entire world started to slow again, matching the sudden drop in my heart rate. The last thing I heard before the blackness at the edges of my vision took over, was a simple, distant word that rang in my ears.


When I awoke, I didn't open my eyes at first, because I couldn't. I felt as though my entire body was encased in lead. Heavy and paralyzed with sleep. For a moment I started to panic, fearful that I couldn't even move a finger. There was a muffled sound, almost like fabric against a rough surface, and then footsteps.


Immediately the paralysis lifted and my body felt lightweight again. I pushed myself to a sitting position, snapping my head towards the sound of the voice. Monticello, that treacherous betrayer, sat ten feet away, perched on the armrest of a chair. My breath started to seethe through my teeth, quick and raspy.

I couldn't find the words, but many foul ones flashed through my head at alarming rates. Just his very presence was coiling my insides. He continued to stare, as if coaxing me to try and escape. 



I pushed myself to my feet, the pain severing my heart in two as I met his gaze once again, a fiery anguish lighting my veins on fire.

" you could you..." I could see the tears brim my eyes and cascade down my cheeks. My fists were clenched so hard, I could feel the ends of my fingernails stab into my palms. I didn't care. It didn't compare to the pain of betrayal. "He...Adrianos-"

He rose from the chair, the air suddenly cloyingly heavy with the ice of anger. "You will listen to me and you will not leave."

With a blindingly fast flick of his wrist, I was suddenly immobile once again. The fear was spilling out of my insides, seeping into my head like icy rivulets of emotion.

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