I'm SHERlocked

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I was sprawled aross my chair which was adjacent to my fireplace. my arms were dangling off the sides accept for on which held a pistol whch I continued to fire at the yellow smiley face I had spray painted on my wall. There was slight movement in the open doorway to my flat followed by a small scream. I dropped my arm down once again, causing it to hit the side of the leather chair.

" Sherlock!" Mrs. Hudson yelled.

" Yes, Mrs.Hudson?" I questioned, still not standing up or loooking towards her.

" I'm going to the market-"

" Thats wonderful would you pick up some milk on yuor way," I said.

" Sherlock, I'm your landlady not your housekeeper,"

" Is that all?" I replied to the line I heard one to many times, letting the annooyance in my voice through.

" No, this is- uh whats your name dear?"

This caused me to look up. I knew from the scream I had heard earlier that it was'nt Mrs. Hudson, but a younger woman maybe early twenties. Not thinking that I was going to be wrong, but rather for the sake of it, my eyes wondered to the open doorway which held Mrs. Hudson and a young woman. Her long brown curly hair billoed around her waist and she wore a black trench coat which ended at her knees just as her black skirt did the same.

" My name is Quinn," she mumbled whlie simutaneously pushing a lock of hair behind her ear which had fallen in her face.

" Oh, thats right! Sorry dear, I'm getting old,"

" Don't be silly Mrs. Hudson," I began, jumping out of my chair and heading into the kitchen to make a pot of tea," You're still young!" I continued sarcastically, throwing my arm in the air making my blue robe move with the sharp motion of my arm.

" As I was saying, I'm headed to the market, and I wanted to introduce you to Quinn. Well, I must go before it starts to rain any harder, play nice...." and with that she left.

" Um, Sherlock was it?" Quinn said breaking the sinlence which I assume became awkward for her.

" Yes?" I answered, putting my black kettle on the stove.

" I was wondering if I could borrow you're phone. Mine's in a box somewhere with my purse and I need to call the movers to tell them what the adress is again."

" JOHN!"

A crash of what I believe to be John's book, that he has been working on for quite some time, hitting the floor was the que of him running into the kitchen," Is everything all r- who is this?"

" Quinn, her name is Quinn she is going to be living in the open flat above us, now for what I called you for-"

" Hello, I'm John," I turned to see him hold out a hand and her shake it in return.

" Quinn, pleasure to meet you,"

" Pleasure is all mine, would you like to come in?"

" Yes, do come in and have tea with us," I interjected. I took the now screeching tea kettle off the stove and put it along with three cups and saucers onto a tray and brought it into the main room where John was sitting a little too close to our new neighbor," If you are done drooling John, she came in to borrow our phone. will you grab it?"

" Sure, where is it?"

" Pocket," I poured tea into the first cup and move onto the second, when I felt John reach into my pocket with a glaring look.

" Here you go," he said handing the phone to her," Why would Mrs. Hudson give come to you to let lend out your phone? You won't even get your phone if its in you're lap,"

I'm SHERlockedWhere stories live. Discover now