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Stiles POV
"Holy fuckin crap" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Scott with his mouth open. Memories from yesterday flooded my mind I woke Jackson up. "Jackson babe wake up" I said. He started groaning and opened his eyes. I guess he saw my face and Scott standing there at the door so he said "ohhhh" he got up and put his clothes on. I rushed to put my clothes on too. "Hurry the bells about to ring" Scott said. I ran out of the locker room and to my locker. I grabbed all of my stuff and went to first period.


"Rrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggg" that took me out of my daydream and into reality. I got out of my desk and went to my locker. I shoved all my things in there and grabbed my backpack. I walked away from the school into a forest that was a little far from the school. I kept on exploring the forest until I stopped at a river. The water was crustal clear, I saw all the fishes swimming by. I sat under a tree and took out a notebook and a pencil. I started observing the place until i spotted something beautiful. It was something I have never seen before. It was a pure rare fully black wolf. It's skin was pitch black,it's eyes where the color of the ocean only way lighter. It was stopped by the creek staring at me. I started drawing it quickly before it ran away I had drawn the body but, my legs were not being drawn correctly. I looked up to see the wolf's legs but only to see that it was directly in front of me. I had finished drawing the wolf but decided to color it. The wolf was still there when I finished drawing to so I decided to draw the background too. I put everything away and petted the wolf. I stopped petting it to get a better look at it. The wolf tilted it's head and put down its ears. I swear to god that was the most precious thing I have ever seen...apart from Jackson but that's another story. I heard something that sounded like a howl then the wolf took off running. I stood up and went home. I perfectly sneaked pass my dad and into my room. I stared at the drawing and decided to hang it up on my wall. It was one of the best things I have ever done. I wondered when I was going to be able to shift and find my mate. Yes I knew that my relationship with Jackson was not going to last unless he was my mate. I went over to Jacksons house to ask him out on a date. I walked up to his room. I heard groanings from inside his room. Jesus. He probably hurt and needs help. I barged into the room and boy when I tell you that I was blinded by anger and fury I was blinded my anger and fury. I just could not believe my eyes with the sight before it.

Ohhhhhhhh cliffhanger! Please share my story with others and also can someone make me a Shawn MENDES and the Dolan twins cover... I'm doing a story about them😶😮😮😮🦄🦄🦄🦄😂😂😑-sam

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