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Your introverted mind wonders in abundance

Constant images of social demise

Screaming out loud but always mute

Clawing at the binds holding you

Torn between living and familiarity

Hiding behind walls of comfort

Only ever peeking quick glances

A canvas of translucency

Straying from transparency

Being alone in the world of the lonely

Passing through life with a safety harness

Coiling around your neck

You're on the edge of suffocation

Shielding your heart

You fall out of reach

Detachment being your only commitment

Your only relationship

Battlefield of emotions fighting against one another

Fear being rewarded with gold

Settling with the decision, you go back to how you were

Trying your best to be unnoticed

Content for the time being

But as time passes, regret sneaks up on you

Your observant and shy eyes linger

On the person who intrigues you

You never approach, still glued to familiarity

They walk by, unable to see through that translucent wall

Unsure, uneasy, unnerving

Paralysis like a virus as it spreads through your body

You don't chase, fear keeping you from doing so

You lose them, though you never had them

The chance stolen from you by choice

More alone than before, your emotions cloud over

Rain shoots down bullets of blur

Soaking your ripped soul

Sealing your void heart

Rebuilding your solid wall of introversion

* * *

Hey everyone! :) I am dedicating this poem to randomlydancing as she has been so amazing, she's so sweet, and her poetry is incredible! <3 x

- Chloe x

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