Sleeping Next To You

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Sleeping next to you

We're singing a new tune

A sound so tranquil, sweet

Nothing else could compete

The way your eyes glow

When you're not ice, but snow

Soft, cold, and wet

As the tears your cheeks met

When you told me to go

Giving me more than I could throw

Your words as they cut deeper

About how much you need her

My words that you twisted

About how bad I missed it

The way your lips felt against mine

How everyday I tell you I'm fine

Sleeping next to you

We're singing an expired tune

All that time we used to fight

Only to prove that I was right


Hey! I know this isn't a very poetic poem but I still wanted to publish it :)

I know that every part has been dedicated to @uku-bear and that is because the whole book is dedicated to him. He's my inspiration to write poetry again after all and he is an INCREDIBLE POET O.O I aspire to be as good as him one day I swear <3 For future reference, I will dedicate parts to other people (Those who comment, inspire me or are a close friend) x 

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