Chapter 10

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It took a few minutes for John to catch his breath as he stared at the high ceiling of Luke's bedroom. Luke's hot, damp skin burned into John as Luke lay beside him, their bodies touching.

"Wow." Luke exhaled hard and smiled, his eyes heavy. His combed his fingers through his damp hair, his breath ragged. "That was...incredible."

John cleared his throat. He could feel the satisfaction glowing on his face as his heart pounded for reasons other than their recent intense activity. Oh God...I think I'm in love him. He turned his head and gazed at Luke. The young man's face had the same glow as John felt emanating from his own. A sudden swell of emotion overwhelmed him, startling him a little. It wasn't his nature to get overly caught up in all the touchy-feely stuff, yet he had to bite his tongue to keep from blurting out how beautiful Luke was right this second, lying there in post-orgasmic bliss, skin flushed and glistening.

"What?" Luke smiled when he caught him staring.

And then the words gushed out of their own accord. "You're beautiful."

The corner of Luke's mouth quirked and he raised an eyebrow. "Beautiful?"

John groaned and looked away, rolling his eyes, laughing quietly. "God, I'm sorry."

Luke chuckled softly, then leaned over and brushed his lips on John's mouth. "Don't take it back," he whispered, a tender sincerity in his voice. Warm emotion radiated in Luke's eyes. "No one's ever told me I was beautiful. Makes me feel..." he smiled and batted his eyelashes. " a princess."

"Shit," John laughed and shoved him away. "Maybe you should add a tiara to your veil."

"Awesome," Luke grinned. "I do so want to look pretty on my wedding day."

"Oh my God," John laughed harder.

Luke leaned over him again and kissed his cheek. "I think you're beautiful, too, John boy."

John started to push him away a second time, then faltered when caught Luke's gaze. The sincerity in his eyes did funny things to John's heartbeat.

"So your dad really approves of me?" Luke murmured and kissed him.

"Yeah." John smiled. "He thinks you're a good guy."

Luke pursed his lips. "Would he still think that if he knew I'd just defiled his only son?"

"Well," John mused. "We'll just keep that to ourselves." He released a deep, satisfied breath and glanced at the clock on the night stand. "Dinner will be ready soon." He looked at Luke. "Could I maybe borrow your shower real quick before I head home?"

Luke's smile wavered as he nodded. "Yeah," he mumbled and drew back. "No problem." He sank onto his back as John left the bed.

"Hey?" John said. Luke pushed up on his elbows and stared at him. "Aren't you going to shower, too? We don't want to be late for dinner."

"We?" Uncertainty pinched Luke's brow.

John laughed softly and shook his head. "You really think I'm going to leave you over here alone on Thanksgiving?"

Luke sat forward. "Your parents won't mind?"

"I wouldn't worry about that," John chuckled. "I'm pretty sure my dad already has us married."

A slow grin spread across Luke's face as he crawled off the bed. "Now that you mention it—I think I do want a tiara as well."


NOTE:  Read John & Luke's continuing story in -  "Under The Mistletoe" - Now available and posted here on wattpad :) 

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