Chapter 9

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The sense of being caught in a dream dropped over John once again when he entered Luke's bedroom. His fantasies weren't all of Luke coming to his bedroom. He'd imagined plenty times of crawling through Luke's window as well.

John walked across the room, surveying Luke's expensive "accessories"; big screen TV, blu-ray player, satellite box, state-of-the-art stereo system, surround sound. It was enough to rival any teenage boy's wet dream. "This is...nice," John nodded. His attention shifted to the large bed, draped with a black and gold New Orleans Saints fleece throw, as Luke flopped down on top of it on his back. John smiled and walked to the window, looking across the street. "You know, it was very courteous of you to always leave your curtains open."

Propping in his elbows, Luke grinned. "I told you, it was for your benefit. It got me all hot and horny, stripping for you."

"Me, too," John sighed. He glanced at Luke and they guy gazed back at him with a look in his eyes that hit John in the heart as well as the crotch. John surveyed his body, taking note of the bulge in his black jeans. "Were you telling me the truth, or just fucking with me, when you said you'd never done a guy before?"

"Honest to God truth," Luke insisted with a playful smile. "So you going to show me the...In's and Out's?"

Moving away from the window, John approached the bed and nudged Luke's foot with his knee. "I thought your porn boys already did."

Luke sat up and scooted forward till he was sitting on the end of the bed, John before him. He rubbed his hands up John's legs. "That was just research," he said, gripping John's hips. "Not hands-on experience." He shoved up the hem of John's shirt and kissed his stomach, teasing his navel with the tip of his tongue.

His breath catching, John swallowed thickly as his cock hardened. There was a slight unsteadiness in his hands as he shrugged off his jacket and dropped it on the floor, then peeled off his shirt. Luke proceeded to drag his slick, warm tongue through the grooves of John's ab muscles as his hands drifted to John's crotch and massaged his package.

"Fuck..." John breathed unsteadily. A steady throb settled in his dick, pulsing down to his balls. "Mmm..." He shoved his fingers into Luke's hair and slowly rocked his hips to the rhythm of Luke's kneading palms, his strong fingers working John's cock through his Levi's. "Shit..."

Luke groaned and grabbed John's waist, pulling him down on the bed. Luke wrapped him in his arms and rolled him over. "John..." he shuddered and kissed him deeply as their legs intertwined and bodies pressed tight, hard and hungry. Luke's breath came quick and ragged as his lips slipped away from John's mouth and he kissed down his body. His teeth raked lightly over John's chest, snagging a nipple.

"Uuh..." John arched and clutched Luke's head as he slithered his tongue around the stiff bud then sucked it hard. "Fuck," John gasped and squeezed fistfuls of Luke's hair.

Luke descended further, his warm, strong lips laying firm kisses down the center of John's stomach. His tongue dipped into John's navel, causing his muscles to jerk and quiver, as he unfastened John's pants and tugged down the zipper. His fingers hooked the waistband of John's Levi's, slid them off his hips and down his legs. He plucked off his shoes and socks, then stripped John of his pants and briefs. His heated eyes roamed up John's naked body. "Fuck, John boy," he groaned deep. The desire and want in his eyes burned bright and genuine. "I can't believe you made me wait so long for a piece of this hot bod."

"Again..." John's breath caught in his throat as Luke rubbed his hands up his legs. "'s your own fault."

"Mm," Luke moaned and pushed his legs open. "You're not going to share any of the blame?" He dipped down and licked his inner thigh, slithering his tongue up closer and closer to John's rigid member.

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