Chapter 6

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  Chapter 6

I walked down the busy streets of New York. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9:30. It took me thirty minutes to get to the Coffee Shop. I saw that it was closing up. I made my way to my car. I got inside and began to drive to where my house should be. I drove for an hour before I made it into the town I used to live in. 

I pulled into my neighborhood and saw that everything looked the same. When I made it to my old home I parked my car outside of my house and got out. I stood along the fence looking at my home. It looked exactly how I had left it. Minus my moms care in the driveway. I looked at the lawn and saw a 'For Sale' sign. So my parents had moved away?

"Hello." I heard a deep gruff voice say. I turned to see a old man and a old women walking there little dog. It was a little dark out for that, but I smiled none the less.

"Hello." I replied.

"What's a pretty young lady such as yourself doing in the middle of the night staring at houses?" The old women asked with a smile.

"Oh I was out with a friend and I dropped her off. I saw the for sale sign and my mom said that if I ever see a house that I like around her to get the number." I lied smoothly."Were trying to move."

"Oh." He chuckled nodding in understanding. "Its a lovely house isn't it."

"Yea it is. Wonder why the owners would want to give up such a house." I said staring at my old home.

"The last people to live in this house was was a man named John, his wife Penelope, and his daughter Violet-Rose. I didn't know them well, but they were nice enough people. Kept to themselves mostly." The old man said looking at the house with hard eyes."A couple weeks ago they left to go on vacation. On there way to there vacation spot there plane crashed. They died along side many others."

I felt like my heart had stopped beating. My parents were dead. They had died in a plane crash. I stared at my house and up at the window that I knew belonged to my old room.

"Did they retrieve the bodies?" I asked emotionlessly.

"Yes. They did it was a very small memorial service. They didn't have any real family. We went and repaid our respects." The old women said sadly.

"That was nice of you."  I said looking up at them sadly. "I'm sure those people appreciated it."

The old women nodded looking at the house one last time before turning to her husband.

"Well we shall be going. If you move here don't be shy come and visit." She said to me.

I gave a half -smile and nodded. The couple took there leave and I went and sat in my car. For the first time since I arrived in this new New York I cried. I cried for my parents. I cried because I was dead. I cried for my old life and that fact that I would never see it again. After a couple minutes I wiped away my tears. I know what I needed to do and that was go to the store and see the women that started it all.

I got in my car and angrily made my way to the store. As I pulled up I saw that the windows were boarded up and that it looked as if no had been there in months. I jumped out of the car and ran to the store door banging on it like a mad-women.

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! WHY DID YOU KILL THEM!?! WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I banged my fist repeatedly against the door. After a minute I turned putting my back on the door and slid to the ground. I let my tears flow, letting everything sink in. My parents were dead......I was dead. My life was gone in the blink of an eye. I sobbed placing my head in my hands. My life was all messed up. Once I had calmed down I sat up. 

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