Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I smiled as the previews for a movie ended on the tv. 


I was excited to see it. I had read most of the books in the series. I loved everything about it. It just had so many mythical creatures, adventure, and crazy romance. What more could a person ask for? What I wouldn't give to meet Magnus Bane in his colorful spiky glory. What I wouldn't give to meet the Shadow Hunters, Clary, Jace, Valentine even. 

I sighed and watched as my tv show came back onto the television. I was just a normal girl with a normal life. I didn't go on adventures, I didn't have epic romances, and a lot of people say there is no such things as demons and vampires. My parents say that such stories were made to jump start the people's minds and imaginations. I on the other hand couldn't help but wonder. Hey! A girl can dream right?

"Rosie!!" I heard my mother call. "I'm home dear!"

"Okay!" I yelled back getting up from my bed and heading down stairs, but not before looking at my appearance. I was a average sized girl with a skinny face. My red hair flowed in soft waves around my shoulders and down my back. My eyes were a viberant violet color. My parents don't know where I got my eye color from. It was one of the many mysteries about me. You see my parents John and Penelope adopted me when I was three. They are all I have ever known. I don't know who my real parents are or why they decided to give me up. All I know is John is my father and Penelope is my mother and that I love them both.

I ran my fingers to get out any tangles in my hair before making my way down the flights of stairs. My house was huge. You would think I would have a huge family, but I don't. Its just me my mom and my dad. They were well off when it came to money. I had a typical life. My dad was a business man and traveled a lot and my mom restored antiques so she was around the most. We had a very close bond.

I made my way down stairs picking up my copy of The City of Bones. I had decided to start over and read the first book. I just loved it. As I found myself standing in the Kitchen entrance I saw my mother putting some groceries away.

"Rosie dear could you feed the dogs." She said handing me the new bag of dog food she had bought.

"Yea. Sure mom." I said taking the bag from her. I made my way outside to see my dogs  Chyna and Bently. They were both very large in size. When they saw me with their food they began to jump on me and lick me happily.

"How are my babies today?" I said to them  in a voice as if I were talking to a baby for real.

Then Chyna jumped on me making me fall backwards dropping the dog food and my book in the process. 

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I hit the cement. Chyna barked happily and began licking my face. I pushed myself to a sitting postion and saw Bently running off with my book in his mouth.

"NOOO! GIVE THAT BACK!" I screeched as he ran out into the backyard. I got up quickly and began to run after him. He saw me begin to chase him and ran faster dodging me as if it were a game. 

"BENTLY!!!!!" I screamed as he ran towards a puddle of muddy water. I watched in horror as he slide in the grass and got the book all wet and muddy. I ran over to him with wide eyes.

"Look what you have done!!!" I screamed at him angrily. He looked at me and wagged his tail. I glared and grabbed the book to yank it out off his mouth. He bite down harder and tugged on it.

"Give me my book!! What could you possibly do with it besides chew it UP!" I screamed as we embarked in a intense tug-of-war. Just when I had bout had the book chyna came from behind and hit my legs making me slip in the puddle of water. As I hit the ground with a splash I her a ripping sound. I looked up to see my book was torn.

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