Interview With degrassifan1224

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-"What's your name"

- Ashanti

-"Is there a background on your username?"

Well i am a big fan of degrassi and December 24 is my birthday thus made Degrassifan1224

-"How did you find wattpad?"

voldysninja wrote on her quizilla profile that she was gonna switch over to wattpad so i decided to check it out and i have been here ever since

-"Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?"

Not really a someone but a something. I always had an annoying speech problem and i always wanted to escape from it so i just started writing because you couldn't tell if i had a speech problem or not. I was perfect when i was writing.

-"Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours?"

I have and it has been music style. Some people would write on my wall or fan me because i was a fan of My Chemical Romance or Panic! At the Disco and Paramore. It's really cool because i thought i was the only one i knew who had the same taste as rock music like me.

-"What do you write and/or read most of the time?"

I like reading thrillers,humor and fan fiction stories and i usually write teen fiction and humor. But i am in the making of writing a thriller story and when i finish i am gonna post it.

-"What's your opinion of the 'what's hot' list?"

I find it full of very talented writers and it gives me different things to read everyday

"How has Wattpad changed you?"

I think it had made me a better writer. I have been getting more reads and i am being exposed to different genres and more experienced writers. Ever since i had joined wattpad i find myself more open to learn new things.

"Do comments from fans help your writing technique?"

Yes. It inspires me to keep writing. The suggestions that are given to me by comments i take in and make sure i correct it by the next chapter. Knowing that other people like my work really makes me happy and i want to have it perfect for the reader to read. Comments are really motivating.

"What would you like to tell your fans?" 

I would like to thank them because without them i would just be some boring Jersey girl who doesn't write. They are like my favorite people because the simple things like voting and adding to their library can make my day.

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now