Ponyboy Imagine For @radical80ss

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Request: Could you do an imagine where I catch him cheating on me and I confront him about it?

Sophia's P.O.V.

I was walking around town and decided to go to the park. I hadn't been there for a few weeks and I heard that they had replaced the old fountain and I wanted to check it out. I passed by Curly Shepard on my way.

"Hey Curly." I called to him. At the sound of his name, he looked up at me.

"Hey Sophia!" He replied, "How have you been?"

"Great, how 'bout you?"

"Oh I'm Grand."

"Have you seen Ponyboy around?" I have to admit I was curious about where he was. "Pony wasn't at his house, Darry and Soda said that he went out for a walk. But I haven't seen him yet."

"Well I was at the park not to long ago, and spotted him, we talked for a few minutes."

"Thanks, I was just headin' there."

"Don't sweat it. Hey I'll see you around." And with that we went our separate ways.

-fast forward about 10 minutes-

The park was in my sight already and I could see the fountain, and Ponyboy standing next to someone, talking. But I couldn't see who, they were behind the fountain. As I got closer I could recognise that Pony was talking to... Sylvia? I hid behind a bush just to see where this was going. It was very obvious that she was flirting with him.

Something caught my eye and I looked a way for a short Moment. When I turned my attention back to the two, I wasn't expecting to see what I did. Ponyboy and Sylvia were kissing. I scrambled back up, and ran off crying in the opposite direction.

I found myself at the lot about 10 minutes later. I can't believe he did that. I said to myself. He's not gonna get away with this, the next time I see him he is gonna hear mind.

-fast forward to next day-

I had been ignoring all the calls from the gang. I normally show up at the Curtis's House everyday and if I don't I call and let Pony know, so they are of course worrying.

Eventually I decided it was time to confront Ponyboy, so I walked to The Curtis House. Once I got inside I was confronted with a bunch of questions. But I didn't see Ponyboy.

"Where's Ponyboy?" I snapped harshly. They all showed me a look of confusion.

Darry finally spoke up "He is in his room."

"Thanks." I immediately rushed to his room. As soon as I opened the door Pony's head turned from what I assume was homework to face me.

A look of relief washed over his tear stained face. "Sophia, oh thank god, you scared me something awful." He stated rushing over to me and engulfed me in a hug, which I didn't return. Which made him worry. "Sophia, are you okay?"

"No Ponyboy, I am not!" I snapped. "Ponyboy we need to talk."

"OK, come sit." He stated and sat on his bed which I followed his actions.

"I-I saw you with Sylvia yesterday."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh like you don't remember, I saw you guys kissing at the park fountain!" I half-yelled, trying to make sure the gang didn't hear us, even though they were probably listening at the door.

"Sophia its not what you think!"

"Oh yea then what was it!"

"Sophia she kissed me, I would never do that to you. I love you to much to screw up like that." I didn't respond my mouth was clenched shut.

"Sophia please, please, I can't loose you! Please tell me you believe me!" He plead. "I swear O meant nothing, I pushed her off of me."

By now we both had tears falling down our face. "I-I don't know what to say. I-I am so sorry I didn't trust you." I cryied.

"Don't cry Doll. I hate seeing you upset." He said. "I have to tell you something."

"W-What is it?"

"I love you so much! I would never hurt you like that! I want you to know that!"

"I love you too Pony," I said, and I meant it. He engulfed me in a hug and kissed me with much passion.

"I never want to loose you, you mean the world to me. I actually got you something." He said and with that he pulled out a small silver promise ring.

"Pon-" He cut me off with a slow kiss while sliding the ring on my finger.

"I love you Sophia and don't you ever forget that!" He said and kissed me once more. "Now why don't we go for a walk."

I nodded, "That sounds nice." And with that we went out for a walk hand in hand and talked the night away.

Hope you liked it!

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