3. Lullaby's

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I left the room to allow them to say goodbye to Dylan since I would be taking her from here. I felt terrible taking away their child but it was best. For her and them. Having one child of the big three is risky enough but two is almost downright impossible.

I was awakened from my thoughts when Poseidon and Sally walked out of the hospital room. I smiled at them.

They came over and we walked into an office were I would sign the adoption papers for Dylan in. I was a little worried I mean it's not everyday you adopt a child I mean once you do it's for life.

I walked in and was greeted with a tall women with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. She had on a black pencil skirt and a blue blouse along with a doctors coat with her name tag.

"Hello I'm Anita Skeeter and I will be witnessing the adoption of Dylan Minerva Jackson." She said looking at some papers. She glances up.

"You two are sure about this right I mean once the papers are signed there's no going back."

"We're sure" Sally and Poseidon said holding hands.

I smiled. "And your ready to become a mother?"I nodded

"Alrighty them I've already checked the backgrounds of everyone and the only thing you have to watch for health issues is that the father seems to have a high water content in his blood system other than that your good." I smiled at that.

"Oh but she has a brother... Perseus Orion Jackson... Identical twins... That's rare for a boy and girl... You also adopting him?"

"No actually I'm only taking Dylan not Perseus." I say

"Okay then sign here... And here.. And then write your reasonings for adopting her...okay that's good now Sally and Poseidon right? Okay both of you sign here.......here... Okay and then write I put your name here allow Sophia Anne Athen to adopt Dylan Minerva Jackson."

They both wrote that I saw a tear leak down Sally's face as she did though.

"Okay Dylan is officially adopted Are you ready to see her?" I nodded and smiled.

She led me through a few different doors until we were in the nursery. I saw a Dylan and Perseus sleeping together. I smiled and walked over. I picked her up an walked over to a change table there I handed her to a couple of nurses who got her ready to leave.

I smiled I was excited. I already have notified Zeus that I would be taking the rest of the year off for reasons unknown. He didn't question it since I never take days off so he thinks I just want to gather research or have a holiday.

I also bought a apartment for me and Dylan to live in on the higher side of New York near the Empire State Building. I ordered all the baby supplies I would need to raise her as well. I would be starting her on formula not breast milk since I can't really since I'm not her birth mother.

The nurse soon came back with Dylan all swaddled in pink blankets. Although it was warm out I had them wrap her in blankets. She handed her off to me and if notice she had fell asleep so I carried her out of the hospital and I flagged down a cab.

Once one stopped in from of me I hopped in and said, "105 West 29th street, Beatrice apartments." He nodded and started the money timer at the front and drove. Dylan stayed asleep the whole time.

The driver was a little sketchy looking. He was dirty looking and unshaven and he had bags under his eyes and cheap clothes that need some TLC. His name said Gabriel Ugliano.

Finally we pulled in front of the apartment. It cost me $17 so I handed him a 20 and and told him to keep the change. I walked in and while carrying Dylan I searched my purse as I stepped into the elevator. I finally found the room key just as the elevator dinged on our floor.

I got out and walked down the carpeted hallway to room 772. I inserted the key and opened the door to see out new home. The appartment was all grey with hints of blue.

I walked into the living and threw my purse on the couch and walked Dylan to her room and layer her down in her dark oak crib and pulled up the pink blanket and shut off the light. I got a bunch I bottles ready and put them in the fridge.

I was pulling my hair in a sloppy bun and changing into my navy pj bottoms when I heard a loud cry.

Someone woke from their nap I think as I walk to her bedroom.

I open the door and see her letting out loud screeches. I picked her up and rubbed her back and calmed her down by singing a light, soft lullaby Hera used to sing to me.

Deep in the meadow,under the willow,
A bed of grass, A soft green pillow, Lay down your head,and close your sleepy eyes,
And when again they open the sun will rise.

She stared at me curiously confused at what I was doing. I sat down in the dark oak rocking chair and rocked her while I sung.

Here it's safe, here it's warm,
here the daisies guard you every harm,
Here your dreams are sweet, tomorrow brings them true,
here's the place where I love you.

She let out a loud yawn and snuggled closer to me.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away,
A cloak of leaves a moonbeam ray,
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay,
And when again it's morning they'll wash away.

I felt her breathing slow and her heart rate as well but I sang the last verses of the song an closed my eyes too.

Here it's safe,bhere it's warm,
Here the daisies guard you from every harm,
Here your dreams are sweet, tomorrow brings them true,
Here is the place where I love you.

I heard her snore softly and her hand curl around my pointer finger once more and I felt my self start to drift to sleep with my newborn baby in my arms.

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