2. Family or friend?

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The man from the beach walked into the Bronx Hospital. He walked straight up to a large women at the front desk with large bags under her eyes. She had coffee stained teeth and long stringy hair.

"Excuse me sir can I help you?" She asked in a drawling voice.

"Yes can I visit Sally Jackson's room please?" He asked politely

"Are you family or friend?"

"Family." He said after some consideration almost like he wasn't quite sure.

"Room 1333. Left wing. Private room. 2nd floor." She said an turned her attention to her keyboard.

He left after that and went up two flights of stairs at a brisk pace. He walked speedily to the wooden door with 1333 in a brass plate. He stood out there having second thoughts about what he was going to do.

After a minute he walked in. He was faced with a women with dark brown hair that reaches her shoulders and beautiful blue eyes. Her face was tired looking but cheerful almost like the best thing that could ever happen happened to her.

"Poseidon your back." She said happily and smiled.

"Where have you been I thought you were only going to be gone an hour at most. It's almost 3am." He stiffens slightly at the time. So little time to tell the deal.

"Sally I have something to tell you ." He starts

"Of course you can tell me anything." She smiled

"You know that I'm a god right?"

"Yes of course silly you have already told me this and that you can't stay even for the benefit of the children."she added the end a little bitterly

"Yes but I need you to promise me you won't hate me" he said

"Hate you why would I hate you?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Just promise me okay? " He said smiling

"Alright I promise" she smiled "so tell me"

He tried to say something and then shook his head and tried again.

"I have a friend coming over, well more of a recent acquaintance. "

"Is this friend like you to?"

"Yes she is."

She looked unhappy when he said she "okay and what's so special?"

"I have made a deal concerning the children."

"What do you mean you made a deal?" She said deadly calm:

He looked crushed."I made a deal to keep them safe by giving one of them to her. One that she can look after."

"But what about the other one? The other one with me? Your just going to leave it to die" Sally said like she couldn't believe it.

"No! I'm splitting them up to protect you! To protect all of you! Don't you know how hard it is? " he said emotionally.

"Ya I see how hard this is on you! Don't you care how I feel! I'm not giving one to this person I don't even know her! How can I trust her!?!" She screamed at him.

"I don't know! Trust me okay because I trust her!" He shouted back.

"Probably because you had sex at one point!" She said disgusted that he would do this to her, to them.

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