One Birthday that Changed Everything

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  • Dedicated to Everybody <3

Note: This is a document of how I got my name and powers. If you read this, I’m warning you, you’ll never be able to go back. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

the power of the name can only be used once.

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I live in an amazing circus. My mother makes the wind blow  so hard it could stop a person from falling to they’re death. And I mean that literally. My father…well lets just say he can tell how animals are feeling. Now, you may think that the circus is for freaks. Your wrong. Its for these amazing people with amazing talents. and dont think this is weird or anything, that talking to animals and blowing huge gusts of wind is out of the ordinary. in the world i live in its absolutly ordinary. it wasnt whn my parents were kids and that what got me here. My job in the circus is absolutely incredible. But we’ll get to that a little later.

I have long blonde Hair. My eyes are big and purple . I know- purple eyes- crazy right? I’m very unique. I have a small nose that I hope is cute. I don’t have any freckles or anything. I also have 3 holes in each of my ears for earrings. My body type is small. But don’t let that fool you. I’m very strong.

Now I have to explain something else having to do with a name. when I was born my parents didn’t name me. whenever a child is born into our circus the parents go to the fortune teller to see what is in store for them. well when my parents took me to the fortune teller, she said i would not need a name untill i turned 15. And they, and even the whole family of the circus, would not be the ones to name me. So I am called No-Name. They also sensed that I would be very powerful and would have to make one major critical decision in my life. Now enough about me! Let‘s get to my story.

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Today I am 14 years, 364 days old. Today is July 6. Tomorrow the whole circus is throwing a party for me. They all know it’s a very special day for me. I cant believe I have to wait 12 more hours and then another 12! Oh, wait, 24 hours! I’m kind of no-brained sometimes too! The day was passing quickly and the ring master, Leo told everyone come back tomorrow for a special birthday show. He said he would let kids 12 and under in for free.

Leo is a really nice guy. He’s also a giant!  I mean 6 foot 10 at least. He’s really in shape. I mean he must weigh at least 350 pounds but its mostly muscle! 

My best friend in the whole entire circus is a girl named Steevy. Steevy is the greatest most amazing person I’ve ever met. The show is almost done and its time for my act.

“And now, let us give a big circus welcome to the amazing Un-named girl!” Leo shouted. I had  a great surprise for the audience. I didn’t use the back entrance like usual. I’ve been sitting up in the rafters for the past hour. I didn’t come down right away so Leo started to panic. I forgot to tell him about my plan.

“Um the amazing…No-Name!” said Leo. That’s when I dove, headfirst to the high wire. I landed on my hands on the high wire. Time to start the show. I twist and turn high above the crowd. My routine was easy. Walk across the wire. Do a few flips. Basically be a cat. Id never fallen. But then my eye caught an attractive guy and…

I was suddenly plummeting headfirst to the hard ground. No nets- nobody had ever fallen until now. The crowd gasped. I closed my eyes tight. I was prepare for death when the air currents around me began to change. My fall turned to a decent, and then to a glide. Mom. I neared the ground and landed on my feet. Leo rushed toward me.

“Are you alright?” he asked. Leo was like a big brother to me. He did call me his little sis. 

“Yeah, I’m fine, Leo”

“Good.” he said to me. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he called to the audience. “the amazing Un-named one!” the crowd clapped, cheered and hollered.

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