If you only knew (niall fanfic)

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Hey! I'm Brooke and I and writing this fanfic bellow! If you hear me saying 'football' in here, I'm talking about soccer for all those Americans reading this story. Anyways hope you enjoy!


"Hurry up dad were going to be late!" He looked to his watch and back to me "I'm sorry sweetie ill hurry!" I filled up my water bottle and took a seat at our bar. I took out my phone and opened Instagram. I took a quick photo of me and my new soccer ball. 'Another game today... Wish me luck!'

I scrolled threw my feed and saw a cute guy pop up in my screen. I don't know who he is I read the comment 'hacked by @THENiallHoran' I shrugged my shoulders and continued to scroll threw my feed.

I kept seeing the notifications of people liking my pic so I decided to look to see who liked it. There were a few 'good luck brookie!'s and alot of likes. A certain name caught my eye. @THENiallHoran. Has liked my pic and started to follow me.

I inspected his account. A few pictures of him, a few with his friends, 2 with his baby cousin, and one with some guy named paul. Ehh what the heck ill follow him too. I threw my phone into my backpack "DAAAAAAADDD!" I whined. "I'm coming Brooke lets go!" He said grabbing his keys off the counter and rushing out the door.


"That was an amazing shot brooke!" Melanie my best friend said wiggling my arm as we walked to the concession stands. "Yah but I wish I made 2 goals. I mean I'm fine with one but, you know ill be graduating in 2 years and I want college teams looking at me." "Brooke" she said stoping me. "Trust me colleges are looking at you, you know it too! They have contacted you before and they still are! You guys just had a shut out game 7-0!" "Whateve-" "oops sorry love didnt see you there" a deep Irish accent said to me as he bumped into me. "Oh no problem" I said as I was met by a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Niall" he said extending his hand to me, "hello I'm Brooke" I said shaking it. "Oh yah you just played a game over at field 6 I say your goal amazing by the way. Good job on the shut out" he said with a cheeky smile. "Thanks" "no problem maybe ill see you around" "yah maybe" I flashed him a quick smile and began to walk again to the concession stands.

"Do you know him?" Mel asked. "No do I have to if I say hi?" I asked. "No... But he was kinda cute and a football (soccer) player just like yooou! I could totally See you guys together" "really mel? Alrea- wait a min....." I turned to see him walking in the other direction "that's niall...." I mumbled to my self "what?" Mel asked. "Oh it's just... I sorta followed him on Instagram right before I came here its nothing really." I said taking a sip of my water. "Comon we got to go to Ryan's game" I said before she could respond. I grabbed a Gatorade from the counter and handed the lady my money "thanks" then we ran to Ryan's game.


"hey Brookie! And mel" Ryan said giving me a hug then Melanie"great game big bro" I said laughing against his chest. "Eww gross Ry your all sweaty" Mel said trying to push him away "awh comom Mel it's only ALOT!" he said pulling her in being sure to get alot of sweat on her "ew ew ewwww!" She said 'cleaning' herself off.

"Hey brooke!" I turned to see Niall jogging towards me "hi niall" "you guys know each other?" My brother said resting his arm on Niall's shoulder. "Uhh sorta, how do you know each other?" I asked "nialler over here's new to London and he joined my team" Ry said. "How do you know each other?" Niall asked "Ry's my older brother" I said.

"Ahh" he said nodding his head. 'Yep" I said in the awkward silence. "We'll I'm going to say hi I dad" Ryan said running over to my dad talking with other parents leaving me with Niall and Melanie. "And I'm going to get Ryan off of me" Melanie said walking to the restrooms. Now only me and Niall

"What does she mean get Ryan off of me" "oh erm he got his sweat all over her" "ooh" he said. Awkward silence again. "We'll I uh better get back home nice seeing you again niall" "you too Brooke I hope I see you around" "yah erm me too, see ya"


So what do you guys think? Do I continue to write? Comment below and tell me! Til next time see ya


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