25 - Broken

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   Returning to the warehouse, my eyes filled with rage and my hands clenched into a fist. I walk to the desk and violently brushed off the things on it, shouting and cussing.

   Jason's head was leaning down, his eyes closed. He must've passed out. I can't blame the fucker, he's been tied up for a full day. I bet his father feeds him 5 times a day that he can't stay alive without even eating. This is what pisses me off about rich guys. They're so arrogant with their heads cocked up, using their grins to attract ladies.

   I know I've hooked up with random gals too, but I respect them in some way. Okay... maybe not all the time... okay, once. But that's not the point. This man uses all his riches to attract a fucking innocent woman. I could still imagine Megan's face, broken.

   Holy shit. Did I really just say that? God. I'm talking to myself again, and I still am! This thing is making my head spin around. Seriously, when the fuck did I care about love anyway?

   Well... I think I know the answer to that but... I won't say it. Why am I even here, right? I came here to take revenge. Not to nag about this. I just... I can't. Oh fuck this.

I walk out of the warehouse, slamming the door and walking to yard. I start kicking rocks on the ground.

   Fine! Fine! Okay. Maybe Prettyface had a little 'effect' on me. Maybe... quite a lot. But it doesn't matter now. I should've known. She won't even take time to hear me out. Of course, look at me, I'm a fucking doll and I kill people with my bare hands. Worse than what she does. Did I really expect her to understand that?

At least I got to give her a little hint that I do care about her.

* * *

   Jason's eyes slowly open, the second he realizes Chuck's absence, he starts scanning the room for a big opportunity to escape. He then sees his phone lying on the ground just a few inches away from his seat. He glances at the big door, then back at the ground.

   He knows this is his only chance. He starts rocking on his chair, making it fall on its back. He starts pushing himself backwards, violently and quickly. He starts sweating, still attempting to fall on his back to use his feet or hands to take the nearest object, his phone.

   Finally, Jason groans when he feels the chair is about to fall. So sudden, he falls and rolls to the other side. He starts reaching for the phone with his feet that were still tied together. "Come on, come on." he chants, trying to kick it to his direction.

   He moves his feet up making the phone slide up to his belly. "Yes!" he mumbles, then reaches for it with both his hands and starts scrolling through.

   Jason hears a loud thud making him panic, he scrolls through his contacts and hopes to find the nearest number he can call his phone to. Quickly, he just dials 911 and slides the phone next to his ear. He leans on the phone that was lying on the ground.

The phone starts ringing, he starts sweating again, "911, Please hold."

"Fuck! Hurry up!" he whispers, "Come on!"

"911. What's your emergency?" 

Jason's eyes light up, "Help me! Please! Help me!" he starts shouting,

"Sir, what seems to be the problem?"

"The-there's a d-doll out here. No, no, he's a killer! He's threatened me. Now I'm tied up and he's planning to kill me! J-just get in here!"

The woman on the phone tries to calm him down,

"Just get here before he kills me!" Jason's eyes accidentally glances on a barrel of gas and a lighter on it. He cusses under his breath, "And before he burns me."

"Just tell me where-"

"I'm at the warehouse! Just look for the warehouse! Abandoned! I'm already bleeding. He stabbed me on my right. Please, just get here I-" Jason's call gets interrupted when Chucky kicks his face and stabs the phone with his large knife. He starts jumping on it, breaking the phone. 

He doesn't look pleased.

* * *

   I start pacing the floor, biting my fingernails, hoping Chucky would just suddenly appear behind me. I don't care if he's going to come back to kill me, I just want to see him. He might change his mind about 'caring' for me, but I still need to see him. I just have to.

   My conscience is bothering me. I know this is my fault and I should've let him explain first. I just freaked out, I was so worried the rest would come up and haunt me down. He just-he shouldn't have done that. Everything else was alright, he didn't have to kidnap one of my old job's current workers. Surely, they'll suspect something.

   That's what scares me. I don't have anywhere else to go because the cops in the city know who I am. If William tells them about me and starts a little rumor, I'll be toast. And they'll kill Charles too. This is Charles' last chance to re-live, his last chance to come back in the form of a doll.

   I know because I'm an agent, and I study people who are around me. But I guess my research wasn't enough, 'cause the fact that he actually said he 'cared' was definitely not in it.

   That scares me too. Because if he dies and loses his one last chance, I'm afraid my affection will die with him. I can't stop it. There's something about him that I keep wanting, something I don't want to let go.

And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to look for him. He can't face this alone. I'm already in trouble so what else could go wrong?

   I walk out of the apartment and into my car then drove around town looking for a warehouse. I wanted to ask the landlady, but it will get me busted. I take my phone and start searching for abandoned warehouses, and bad luck came faster than I thought. There are 5 abandoned warehouses in this city. Damn it.

* * *

   I walk towards the gun on the ground and pick it up, then I start heading towards Jason. Great. Now he called the cops, I'm have just a few more minutes left to spare.

His eyes are glaring at me, and he tightens his lip, "You have no choice. The cops will be here any minute."

I shake my head approaching him, "Oh Jason," I raise the knife.

I snicker at his reaction and I approach him more further, but he kicks me on the gut, making me slide all the way to the other side. I shake my head and stand right up, "So that's how you wanna play?"

"Get away from me!" he starts moving around, trying to stand. I run to the other side, disappearing in  his sight.

He starts panting, trying to get out of the knot. 

Before he knows it, I start exclaiming at the top of my lungs as I use the pistol to hit his head hard. He quickly loses it and stops moving. "You're such an easy target." I say and snicker. I hear him moan but I hit him harder again, making him fall into a deep sleep.

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