09 - A Doll Moment

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    I roll on my bed a few times, trying to force myself to sleep. 

   Well, I can't. 

   I clamber out of bed and head to the dining area. I pour water in a  glass and start drinking.

"Couldn't sleep?" a deep voice startles me, making me turn around almost choking to death on water,

   The water splashes all over me, "Chucky?!" I exclaim, putting the glass down on the table. "Look what you did." I glare at him and he lets out his infamous laugh. "Damn it," I swear, leaving the dining area and heading straight inside my bedroom.

   Chucky switches the light on while he stands on the table, having enough sight of me in the bedroom. I turn around and slowly remove my tank top, exposing me in my bra. As I turn my head, I see him tilting his head, watching me.

   I sternly look at him as he glances his eyes back at me and raises his eyebrows, "What?" he shrugs until I completely slam the door.

* * *

   Megan sits on the couch, facing Chucky who was sitting in front of her. She grabs her phone and starts looking through it, "Seriously? It's just 8pm?" she groans, throwing her phone on the couch.

Chucky jumps down on the floor, still facing Megan. "I got what I need." he says with a smirk, "I know where Andy lives."

Megan stands up taking a deep breath, "Yeah? What, you figure you don't need to use me anymore?" she says sternly, walking towards the window. She crosses her arms and looks out the window. "Not really," Chucky replies, "It's far from here."

"Oh, so you're not done with me yet?"

Chucky sighs, "Listen, prettyface. Don't think of this like I'm slaving you around. We made a deal, alright?" he says, looking at Megan who was still looking outside the window.

"I know." she mumbles, "It's not that."

"Oh come on," He grunts, "Don't tell me you're gonna do drama all over again."

Megan turns, "Drama?" she scoffs, "I'm just telling the truth. Besides, you don't know how it feels to be used then taken out after."

Chucky gapes, and shakes his head. He sighs. "Okay, okay. I get it. I know how ya' feel."

"Yeah, right." she says, looking down.

Chucky walks closer, "I-I think I do." he sneers, "But, I get it. I really do. I know your boss pushed you around too much, but I'll take him out. Don't worry. When this is all done, I'll strangle him in front of you, how's that?"

Megan laughs and turns to face Chucky, "Are you kidding me?" she sighs, "Thanks but I think I'll handle him myself."

"Why do you even work for his company anyway? Are you some kind of a secretary or somethin'?"

"How about we stop talking about me for a while, and you tell me about yours first?"

Chucky grunts and turns away, "Great. Now we're having a story telling session now? Jeez." he says, sitting back on the chair.

"Oh, come on, prettyface." Megan teases, sitting on the armchair. Chucky raises his eyebrow at Megan, making her gulp. "...I mean, Chucky..." she starts, "I know how bad you wanna know what my job is, but you'll have to tell me yours first."

"You always wanna get even, huh?"

"Don't you trust me?" she asks, smirking. "Come on, Charles." she winks at him.

"Alright, fine." he sighs, "I kill people for fun and revenge. The end."

Megan tightens her lip, "You suck at story telling." she says. "I know." he replies quick.

"You're crazy, you know that?" she says with a chuckle, looking at Chucky. He nods, "I know that. But I guess that's my purpose."

"Your purpose? What- like fate?"

He smiles, "Sure, you can call it that way." he says, "But it's true. No matter what happens, I'll have the urge to kill anyone who steps in the way of whatever I want to do." Chucky adds, looking down. Megan pauses, staring at Chucky.

"Hey." she suddenly speaks.

"You having a doll moment?" she asks, then laughs. "Get it?" she snickers, throwing her head back. Chucky raises his eyebrow, "You suck at jokes."

"Shut up." Megan rolls her eyes, "You just don't have a sense of humor." she starts laughing.

Chucky sneers, "Oh yeah?" he laughs with Megan for a few seconds.

   He slowly stops laughing, staring at Megan who was looking down on her hands, clasping them together. He pauses for a while, "Hey." he calls out.

"Yeah?" Megan asks, glancing at Chucky who was staring back at her with his blue translucent eyes. "It's your turn." he says.

"Well..." She starts, "I-" and before she could continue, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

   A young deep voice calls out from the door, the man knocks again. "This is the Cleveland Police Department," the man says. Megan quickly glances at Chucky, gaping in shock.

"Expecting anyone?" Chucky asks her in a low voice, with a nonchalant look.

   Megan stands up from the chair and stares at the door, "I think you better hide." she says, then glances back at Chucky. "Now." she orders him. He raises his eyebrow, looking back at Megan. He brushes off the doubt in his mind, right after he realizes that she didn't call the cops on him.

* * *

   "Yes, officer? May I help you with something?" Megan asks calmly, facing those damn police officers outside. She opens the door a creak, making sure they don't see the inner part of her room. One of the police douches replies, "May we come in?"

   "What's wrong?" Megan asks again, "It's kind of late." she says. The man replies again, "Ma'am, I am Officer Gregg and this is Lewis. We're here to inform you about a murder-"

   "Murder?!" Megan exclaims, sounding like she was in complete shock. Damn, this woman is good. I step a little closer from the living area and to the wall. "Where?"

"Near this town, Ma'am. And there were reports saying that they've seen your car with the plate number: CSV03, after the incident."

Megan gasps, "Exactly where, officer?"

"Greenstate Street-"

"Oh, of course, I drove by that street earlier. I just recently flew here from Chicago." She says, sighing, "So you must know that I am completely tired." she glances at Lewis.

Lewis hides his notepad as well as his pen and looks at Gregg. They both nod, "Alright Ma'am. We're sorry about that..."

"Let me deal with this tomorrow, okay?" she says, taking a deep breath.

Gregg nods again, "Yes, Ma'am..."

Megan starts to slowly close the door on their faces, but that Gregg guy started talking again, and he just won't stop. "-But we'll have to meet with you tomorrow-"

"I know, officer. Good night."

"-at the Cleveland Police-"

"-Department. Yes, Okay. Thank you officers." she finally slams the door. Megan sighs and turns to me, raising her eyebrow.

"That was great." I say, smirking. She looks down on me and rolls her eyes, walking towards her room door. "Good night, Charles."

   I don't know why, but the way she calls me by my name, makes me feel better. It isn't degrading, or offensive. I know my nickname's Chucky and all, but hearing another person call me by my real name is something else. I miss it, a lot. Especially now that Meg starts calling me with it. Well, I guess I'll get used to it again now.

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