Chapter Six

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To Laura's relief, things went well like she had hoped. Her boss acted normal on the next two days like nothing unusual had transpired between them on Tuesday.

In fact, he acted so indifferent as if he had not tried to seduce her some days ago in his office. She let it go, hoping he wouldn't attempt another seduction or what she would call sexual harassment.

She was busy typing away at her desk on a Friday morning when a tall figure cast a shadow over her. She stopped typing and slowly looked up to see her boss standing in front of her desk staring down at her. She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose with one of her blue-painted finger nails as she stared at him inquiringly.

"Laura." He said as quietly as possible but in a stern voice. "You will be working late today. I've some extra work for you to finish after closing-hour."

"But sir, I'm supposed to close by 4p.m. and besides, I've somewhere important to be at by 4:30pm today." She said with a slight frown.

"I know that you are going out on a date with Geoffrey, cancel it!" He simply ordered and walked away before she could protest more.

She sat still, surprised at how he had known about her date with a colleague. Had he been watching her? How did he know Geoffrey asked her out on a dat? Not that she really liked Geoffrey anyway, she just wanted to go out so he would stop pestering her about it and if her suspicions were right, them it was simply very immature of her boss to eavesdrop on her conversation. He was intruding her privacy.

"Inconsiderate jerk!" She glanced towards the door of his office and muttered under her breath with a snort then continued typing away, hatching up an excuse to give Geoffrey later in day. It would be unfair if she stood him up.

At 4p. m., the other staff began packing up, exchanged weekend greetings since it was a Friday, some of the men stopped at her desk to chat or flirt for a while or convince her to go on a date with them before they all went home.

Half an hour later, the entire building was as quiet as a graveyard, only the continuous beeping and buzzing of electronics could be heard. Laura felt all alone, she gathered the finished files on her table, crossed a short distance to the tall file shelves in a smaller room and stacked them in a case.

She was about going for a cup of coffee to while away time till she was summoned when her desk phone rang, rudely interrupting the peace and startling her a bit. She placed a palm on her chest to steady her breath for a moment as she glowered at the phone for some seconds.

In long strides, she crossed the room and picked up the receiver at the last ring. "Laura!" She said.

"Come to my office now!" Ralph's gruff voice came through and immediately, the line went dead.

Laura gave out a sigh of frustration, finished her coffee and tossed the paper cup into the waste basket then walked to her boss' office. She knocked and entered then approached the desk before she found out that he was not on his seat.

Sudden clicking sounds from behind made her whirl around to find him locking the door. Realising what might be happening, fear and confusion became evident in her expression.

"" She stuttered, unsure of what to say. "What...'s going on?" She asked, trying not to sound tensed.

Ralph shoved the keys into his pants' pocket and smirked at her. His tie hung loose around his neck, his sleeves were rolled up, and some of his buttons were undone that she could see part of his hairy chest. She finally noticed he was with a bottle of whiskey when he took a quick swig from it.

Ralph had been waiting patiently for this time to come and now here it was. He had patiently waited and from his window, he had watched his staff drive off or take off in cabs, then he had waited extra thirty good minutes to make sure that they were gone for good. He had even called the day security guards and had instructed them to call it a day and go home early and they had been grateful to get off work so early.

Ralph wanted to have undisrupted time with Laura, he knew that at least he would be done with his little fun with Laura by the time the evening shift of the night guards began.

"Take off your clothes!" He finally spoke, hoarsely. His tone was authoritative and brooked no defiance whatsoever.

"Excuse me?!" Laura didn't believe she had heard right.

He stared at her under his dark brows like a predator would do a cornered prey. "Take-off-your-clothes!" He ordered again this time through clenched jaws and she realized that not only was he half drunk, he meant every word.

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