Chapter Two

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There was a knock then Stacy stepped in. "You summoned me, sir." She said as politely as ever.

Ralph almost changed his mind but once he had set his mind to do something, there was no going back.

His eyes roamed her body for a while, now picturing her in a way he had never talen time to before. She was of average height but her pumps helped her appear taller. She was a brunette, had blue eyes and a petite figure which appealed to him. A sly smile tugged slightly at his lips as he remained seated, watching her like a sexual predator.

She began to fidget under his scrutiny and lock her fingers in front of her skirt as she waited, avoiding his gaze. Little did she know that her new position pushed her massive boobs together making Ralph imagine things he could do with them.

"Don't just stand there like a moron, get to work!" Ralph yelled.
She seemed confuse for a moment until she saw the scattered files on the floor. She walked briskly to the edge of the table, crouched and began picking them up, when she was done, she neatly placed them on the desk and turned to leave when Ralph stopped her.

She paused and turned, her fingers wringing one another against her thigh. She was fidgeting! Good sign, he loved them scared of his presence.

He glanced down at her busy fingers and noticed an engagement ring.

"You never told me you were engaged." He said flatly.

She smiled nervously. "I'm sir."

"When is the wedding due?"

She blinked twice, still looking to the side. "Next year march." She replied.

He gave a curt nod, scoffed and stood up from his chair. He could swear he saw her flinch from just his harmless motion.
"Come here." He ordered

"W..hat... s...i...r?" She stuttered.

"Come here." He said in a cold voice, his tone brooking no defiance.

She quietly approached him as he turned to sit on the edge of his desk to face her. He took her chin between his thumb and index finger and tilted her head up to look at him.

"Does he treat you nice?" He asked watching her try to avert her gaze to the side. If he didn't know better, he would say she was trembling.

She simply nodded and he pushed on: "How good is he in bed?"

Her eyes flew to meet his and she turned a light shade of red at his rude question. "I beg your pardon, sir?" She raised her voice a notch with more courage.

His finger tips pressed painfully into the sides of her jaw." when I ask a question, you fucking answer it!" He breathed icily against her face. "How good is he in bed?"

She whimpered, tasting blood inside her cheeks from his fingers. "G..oo.d... e...nough..." she stammered, blushing un embarrassment.

He seemed to be relieved by her answer and he let her go suddenly. She staggered a bit from being released without warning, then she watched him turn his shoulder to her and began working on his sleeve cuffs.

"Go lock the door." He instructed without sparing her a glance. She said her fiancé was good, it either meant the idiot didn't last in bed or just didn't know how to touch her right and women like Stacy were too stupid to know what they were missing until someone showed them how it felt to be better in bed and he was just the right person for that job.

He needed to cool his anger, sate his needs so he could forget about his damn wife and her damn divorce. He began to pull his shirt when he noticed Stacy was staring at him, wide-eyed.

"I-said-lock-the-door." He stated through gritted teeth.

She began to take several slow steps backwards, shaking her head slowly, fear written all over her face. "No sir, I can't do this. It's justo not right, I love my fiancé."

"I'm sure you must have heard of the rumours of what happens between these walls... You knew what you were getting into when you applied for employment here and I don't give a shit whether you are engaged or not, just lock the fucking door and get your sorry ass back here!" He said in bitter tones.

She turned abruptly to flee but not only were his legs were longer, he was faster and he reached her un time just as her hand touched the doorhandle and begore she coulf get away, he yanked her back against his body and locked the door, clamping a firm hand over her mouth.

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