New Buddies

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My parents began taking me to the local psychiatrist. His name is Mr. Demus, Philip Demus to be exact. Everyday I had to go visit him and tell him my problems. I tried to to tell him little as possible about my powers. But for some reason Mr. Demus had helped me. He asked me questions and I answered but I thought about them and it seemed I was finding answers to my own questions. I began training by myself focusing on how to release my energy. Little by little I began to control the elements like as if they were part of my skin and bones. The year past by and I felt confident that I could trust Sam about my powers. Sam, a quiet, shy girl with blonde hair, was my closest friend since kindergarden. I took her to my parent’s garage and concentrated on a small plant in the corner.

“Just watch,” I told her. She nodded slightly and I moved my hands upwards, Like a cook would do when he tried to smell his own food. The sick plant began to grow, the green luster returning to its leaves, then blue flowers began to bud and open. Sam’s eyes widened as she gingerly touched the plants delicate leaves. I saw the pain in her eyes when she looked at me. I felt bad for showing her what I could do. "Sam it’s okay, you the awesome one, at least your normal person unlike me.” I looked down and stared at my small hands. Sam placed her delicate pale hand on my shoulder.

And like always she responded, "But you can do things I only wished I could do."

And always I just looked at her and I told her that I did not care if she could or could not shoot flames out her hands or lightning that she was going to be my best friend forever.  Life continued as normal as I thought it could with me being whatever I was.  Having Sam with me and her knowing what I was going through made it a lot of easier. But it still made me feel bad.  

I remember the day like it was yesterday. One day Sam and I were sitting around the fireplace at my place. We were simply staring at the flames.

“Do it,” she said.

“Do what?” I asked.

“Control the flames, I wanna see how it’s done,” she whispered as she stared at the dancing flames. I stretched out my hand and wiggled my fingers slightly. A ball of fire rose from the flames and came towards me. I held out my hand and landed slightly above my skin. Sam grinned and she did the same at my fireball. All of a sudden the fireball flung itself towards Sam and enveloped around Sam. I screamed thinking it was one of the outbursts that I had missed and was not able to control.  I was so scared that I had killed my best friend. I ran to the kitchen and took a jug of water and ran towards Sam. I stopped immediately. She was sitting there moving her fingers around controlling the ball of fire, "I’ve been wanting to control the fire and all of a sudden it was twirling all around me like a tornado."

"I thought I had an outburst and like killed you!" I said sobbing.

"No, I am fine but next time I’ll try to keep it down," she said laughing.

From that day Sam and I were the only ones that knew our secret powers. We were inseparable. We did not care what people thought about us. We were just that cool.  Sam would come over and we would go deep into the woods and practice in my favorite clearing.  I could control and summon the air, water, earth, fire, lightning and others and just practice bending them to my will.  Unfortunately for Sam, we found out she could only control fire. She began carrying a lighter and we practiced every day after school.

I just had so much power building up, I was getting stronger and stronger everyday.  Sam was practicing harder than me sometimes.  It was when we arrived in our freshman year did things started changing.  I began feeling a strong presence. It was so strong it drove me crazy. Everyday at school I looked around hoping to find the energy. I knew though, it was unlike mine or Sam's. The only bad thing about being a freshman was that after so many years I was still going to Mr. Demus’s office.

One day, Sam and I were walking home from school when we heard scream. A huge wave of the energy I had been feeling nearly caught me off guard. Sam and I went running we came upon this girl in the midst of three fully grown, muscular teens. The girl had jet black hair, eyes so blue it reminded me of a vast ocean, her white skin making her eyes stand out like lightning. I have to admit, in a time so dangerous for her I was in love. I knew Sam and I were going to have to intervene, but I saw something that told me to wait. I held out a hand at Sam and silently told her to wait. Sam looked at me in surprise and nodded slightly and slid back into the shadows. The girl then took out a sharp knife and swung it at the three guys. They backed up a bit, the girl saw her opening and kicked one in the forehead and karate chopped the second guy’s neck. The third one lunged for her but she punched his nose and his body dropped to the ground. I was astonished. I stepped out of the shadows and so did Sam. She had her lighter ready in her hand. The girl’s eyes widened and turned around as if she was about to run. I raised my hand and sent a wall of air the pushed her against the wall. Sam and I approached her. Her blue eyes narrowed, "Who are you and most importantly what are you?" she asked struggling against the wall of air.

“Well I do not know what I am, but I know that my name is Logan and this is Sam or Samantha I just call her Sam, this is my best friend,” I looked at her and made the rock form cuffs over her wrists. I felt bad treating her like that but I needed the information, “what I want to know is how you were able to take all those guys on your own?" I said quietly.  Sam looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "So what is your name?" I asked questionably.

“My name is Riley, why are you guys here?” she said. I released her wrists.

“Well Riley, Sam and I were walking when we heard a scream. We kinda found our way here and well...” I paused, “Let’s say good job with the guys,” I said with a thumbs up.

“So you knew I could fight?” Riley said with a raised eyebrow.

“I figured something like that,” I said bashfully. Riley nodded and looked at Sam and me.

“There is one thing though, I sure would like to know how you trapped me with that air stuff and the brick thing,” Riley asked

“I really don’t know, I just do it,” I said

After that day Sam, Riley and I began hanging out together. We found out that she was naturally a warrior or fighter. That even if she was not trained with a sword, spear, or any other weapon she was naturally good at fighting and using weapons.  From then on we trained together, hung out together, did everything together. But what I needed was a master to teach me what I needed to know, me and Sam needed someone with the knowledge that we need.  We needed someone who could tell us more about our powers and someone to train us.

What I needed was a master.

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