Frozen over

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*Normal pov*
Well here we are, Magnolia station. "Um _f/n_ where is Erza?" Yep, here we are in Magnolia station, waiting for Erza, while listening to Natsu and Gray fight. As Lucy and I talk, Erza finally shows up. Of course.... She brought her whole damn wardrobe. "I'm glad you are all here, now let's be going." Erza steps between Gray and Natsu. "I'm glad you two are finally getting along." "Aye!" Natsu... Gray are you two ok? "When did they become Happy?" Since now I guess. "_f/n_ if I may ask who is the girl next to you?" "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Lucy, I'm a new member of Fairy tail." "Well hello Lucy, I'm Erza." To my left Natsu is getting fired up. *ugh what now?* "Erza! I challenge you to I fight when we get back to Fairy tail!" *Of course....* "Why not? A one on one when we return to the guild." Natsu, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but now isn't the time, the train is ready to leave. After we get on the train Natsu goes from being pumped up to a total useless sack of potatoes. "Seriously Natsu? Your totally useless." Sorry to say this Natsu but I have to agree with Gray, hopefully no one attacks you on a train. (Author.... Please oh please don't jinx this...) "It seems there is no other way, Natsu come sit next to me." "Aye..." Suddenly, Erza punches Natsu in the gut. Umm Erza, I'm not one to judge but... Did you have to knock the poor boy out cold? "Umm _f/n_, Gray, what type of magic do you two use?" "Well I use ice magic." With his ice magic Gray makes a beautiful fairy tail logo make of ice. "It's amazing!" "Gray has quite a talent, but in my opinion it doesn't suit him." I think it does suit Gray, in fact it's amazing he's so talented at ice make magic. Not a lot of people can become as talented as he is. "Hehe you llllliiiiiikkkkkkeeeee himmmm!" I blush profusely, trying so hard to hide my red face. I do not Happy! "Ya right 🐱." I finally get it together and calm my nerves. "Umm _f/n_ if I may ask, can I know what magic you use?" I pause, without even realizing it I let it slip out of my mouth. At a young age I learned ice make magic but as I grew older I discovered I could use blue flames like my mother. After the word mother slipped out, the atmosphere took a sudden change. My mother....
*flash back*
It was cold like everyday on the mountain side. News had spread of a demon destroying villages and killing hordes of people. The name of this demon was Deliora. Of course the demon wasn't the cause of my mother's death. No... It was the people she tried saving. Blue flames had the ability to destroy but more importantly it had the power to heal. My mother spent countless hours helping those that survived Deliora. She'd heal them as much as she could with magic, and would help them heal the rest of the way with her care and compassion. I would try so hard to learn how to do blue flames but it would never work out. I would go to one of my mother's close friends, Ur. Ur taught me ice make magic, this was the key to unlocking my blue flames. I spent days on end learning magic. Every cut and bruise was worth it. Especially, if I could help people and most importantly my mother. Sadly, that day would never come. On a stormy day, I had left early to practice on my own for a while. Later, I came home to a train wreak. Glass, pictures, and several things broken. When I turned the corner I went into the study. On the floor.... My mother.... Blood on the walls, the floor, and by now, my own two hands as I clenched my mother's lifeless body. Who... Who could hurt someone so kind that only wanted to help? That was the very thought that came to mind. I let go and sat up. As u sit there, drenched in blood, as tears stream my face, I hear a small hello from the corner. I notice a small girl is there. "A man killed her, he woke up scared and frightened.... He slit her throat and ran." I could tell she was as scared as I was. I grab her hand and take one last look at my mother. I'll be back to give you a proper burial, but first I'll take this girl to town. Hand in hand I walk her to the edge of town and wave goodbye. Once I arrive home I search for a shovel and start digging. It takes me several hours to dig a hole. I have blisters and splinters all over my hands. I pick some roses from my mom's green house and lay them upon her body and bury my only family I had left. Days pass as I slowly waste away. I do nothing but practice my magic near my mother's grave. It has been days since I saw Ur. I decide it's best if I stand up again, my mother would want me to keep going. I slowly but surely make it to Ur's. When she answers the door, she asks the most nauseating question. "How is your mother?" The only answer I can say is the truth... She's dead.

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