Chapter 02 [Decisions]

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Hi guysssss! Here's the next part!! Hope you like it! xx

On my walk to meet Calvin in the park, i suddenly began to think to myself what if i don't like Calvin in that was anymore what if i've moved on?! I am getting confused, yet again..

I saw him standing in the park nervously, his arms folded.. he was so cute.

"Hey Calvin"

"Grethania, i didn't think you were going to come" he hugged me tight.

"Well here i am.." i said nervously.. what was he going to say?

"Well.. errm i don't know what to say, i've waited so long to tell you this but now.. your leaving and i would feel like a right idiot if i asked you to stay.. for me ?"

"Calvin i-ii don't know what to say either, i mean i have liked you since kindergarten and now when i'm leaving to the other side of the world.. you want to go out"

"I know i've been such a coward!"

"Yeah you got that right" i said under my breath hoping he didn't hear me!



"So would you stay... for me?" he said as he came closer to my body, until he came so close i think i stopped breathing for a couple of seconds.

"Calvin i-i don't know, i-i am so..." he cut me off you a gentle kiss on the lips.

He kissed me for a while but i pulled away, i knew i had to go and that i probably wouldn't see him ever again.

"What's wrong?" he said shocked.

"I can't stay Calvin i have to go and i'm sorry. If i could change things i wouldn't but.. i can't" i started to walk away but he grabbed my arm, looked deep into my eyes and forcefully kissed me pushing me to the ground...

"STOP CALVIN STOP PLEASE STOP, GET OFF ME" i screamed but he carried on trying to kiss me, i used all my strenght to get him off me but he just wouldn't budge...

"Please Grethania, please kiss me...." he said almost begging, God he was desperate.

"Why are you doin this to me Calvin, you scaring me"

"I love you and i want to give myself to you" what no wait, i wasn't ready yet i was only 17 (nearly 18 2 months and counting)

"I can't Calvin i am not ready and certainly not here please let me go, i'll kiss you i promise, just let me go?" i looked into his eyes and nooded.

"I'm so sorry Grethania i don't know what came over me"

I moved closer to him and kissed hime one last time and said goodbye and left the park well.... nearly running.

I phoned Bianca and told her what happened she was worried but i manage to calm her down.. knowing her she would probably punch him in the face.

I hung up, looked around my room that was empty. I lay down on my blue bed sighing until my mum interrupted my peaceful thinking.

"Darling, it's time to go get your case"

I took one last look at my blue marine room and shut the door. I don't know why but i didn't feel sad, i felt as this way going to be a fresh start and maybe i will find my summer love and not some animal that i have loved for the past 16 years of my life (i choose a bad one there..)

On the plane

It was a 24 hour flight that felt like a life time i was so tired but couldn't sleep thinking about what happened in the park, i really thought he was going to hurt me..

My mum asked me whaat the matter was but i just said nithing i'm fine and then faked smiled, i was really good at covering up my emotions.

"We've arrived" the hostess announced as every got up sighing and stretching.

On the way to my cousin's house i looked out the window it was 6:00 pm at home and here it was 5:00 am, oh god this is going to take a long time to get used to, Jetlag.. it looked peaceful.

As we arrived at the door my mum was nervous about seeing my uncle after nearly 3 years, i on the other hand was thrilled.

"Grethania!" Liam Payne my cousin shouted as I jumped into his arms.

"Liam i have missed you so much"

"Hello Stacy (mums name) you ok?" Liam said.

"Hi Liam" she said blushing

"Are you coming in?"

"No" she said pointing to the taxi "i've to get off meeting tomorrow need to get to America, but look after Grethania and i'll see you soon" she said giving me a long hug and a kiss.

"Bye mum i'm going to miss you.. Call me when you arrive at the villa"

"I'll sweetie love you"

"Love you too mum"

She left, i missed her already but now i was going to spend a bit of time with Liam Payne my cousin.

"Are you tired G?"

"Yes so tired, i think i might take a nap for a few hours if that's alright?"

"Yeahhh that's fine this is your home now do whatever you want"

I started to walk upstairs and he said...

"Oh and G i forgot Louis is coming here around midday"

"Who's Louis?" i questioned completly oblivious to what he had just said to me.

"A boy accross the road, he's my bandmate, he said he would introduce himself so you would have a friend for your first day at school"

"Ok cool!"

I walked up the stairs wondering who he was and what he might look like until i fell into a deep sleep.

There you guysss second chapter :D hope you like it please comment and maybe vote so i know what you think ?? Thank you if you've read my fanfic xxxx

-Stella xx

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