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*Niall's PoV*

"oh my god.. Its been ages since i last had whiskey" harrys mum anne said

"Same here" my mum replied.

"Niall? Baby why aren't you having some. C'mon don't be shy." Anne giggled she was obviously tipsy after 3 galsses of beer.

"Okey" I smiled and grabbed a glass filled with whiskey and soda.

"So niall, how's harry" Anne smiled smugly.

"uuhh, what do you mean?" my cheeks flushed. I knew exactly what she ment.

"awww, C'mon don't be shy. I just want to know how my son is at bed, because 'Styles' are always good at bed." anne winked. My mum laughed along with anne.

I hid my face in hands.

This is so embrassing.

"well, Horans are not that bad, we still have sex when the kids are out, trust me bobby is still so-"

"Mom enough."

"Awhh okey baby, lets watch some movie now."

And we had a movie marathon.

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