Chapter 21

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Two Years Later:

"Goodbye mom!" I call out as I get into the cab. I look out the window and watch my parents wave me away. I look to my left, and see Cameron sitting beside me. I smile at her "we did it" I tell her, looking into her big eyes.

I fought for Cameron for two years, and I still have her. Now, we are on our way to the airport. We are heading to L.A. to the performing arts school. We have come a far way these past two years, and I have been waiting for this moment forever.

"Can you believe it, Cam! We did it! We are going to the same college and living together. I have been waiting for this my whole life" I tell her excitedly. She nods her head at me excitedly.

"I know, I can't wait until we get to L.A., and get to our apartment." I laugh at how excited Cameron is. We sit in silence the rest of the ride to the airport. The air is filled with excitement, and I am loving it.

The taxi driver stops the car, and I take a deep breathe. "You ready for this?" I ask Cameron as I stare at the airport. "I have been ready since eighth grade" she speaks up easily. We both get out of the car, and grab our bags from the back.

We run into the airport and went to our flight.


The plane ride was enjoyable. . . if you think sitting five seats from your girlfriend, and having an ugly, fat, sweaty man sleeping on your shoulder is fun. I was absolutely miserable.

The man was really gross already, but when he fell asleep his head fell on my shoulder. Cameron was laughing at me the whole time as I tried to wake the man up. Once he finally did, he ran straight to the bathroom.

I saw many people staring at the bathroom with disgusted faces. The man was throwing up. The food was no good, either. Once I got off the plane I went straight to the bathroom, and vomited.

Cameron was filled with giggles all the way to the apartment. We have been in our apartment for two hours now, and I am loving the freedom. I don't have to worry about my parents coming into my room, checking my phone, or grounding me.

I feel so much safer with just Cameron and I. The first thing I did when we walked in was set the T.V. up, and hook up the play station. Cameron and I have been playing multiplayer these past two hours, and not getting anything done.

"So, you ready for school?" I question as she kills me with a shiv. I put my controller down, and wait for the game to load. "I have to admit that I am a little nervous" she sets her controller down, too.

I nod my head at her "I am sure you'll do great, Cam. You know how to make friends." She lets out a fake laugh "Ha! I have been friends with Gabby, Stacy, and Ash since kindergarten. I don't know how I will do with a whole lot of college students."

The game starts up again, and we both grab our controllers. We begin to play again, and I loose. I was never good at playing things like Call of Duty or Halo. After ten more minutes of playing we finally decide to get off.

"Wanna go out tonight?" I smile at Cameron, and nod my head. "Yeah, I would like that" I tell her. "Great, be ready in five?" she asks as she looks down at her phone. "Five? But I gotta find something to wear" I tell her, rolling my eyes.

"I think you're beautiful in what you're in already. Don't change, gorgeous." My face turns bright red, and I giggle. "Thanks" I kiss her on the cheek, and go to stand up.

She stops me, and I look at her. She stands up as well, and kisses me on the nose. My face heats up more as I scurry away to my room.

The restaurant wasn't all too fancy. It has dim lighting, though. It resembled a lot of a bar. It was extremely smokey, but the food was still good. Cameron and I had many conversations. We argued, and I almost wanted to cry.

It was about how I don't believe in myself, and that I should stop thinking badly of myself. Cameron becomes really defensive.

We finally made it back home at nine or so. I offer taking her somewhere, anywhere she wanted to go. She says 'no' and I sigh. "Oh Cameron, I know I keep saying it, and I know you are probably getting annoyed, but I really love you" I tell her, looking into her big eyes.

She looks at me with a straight face. She doesn't say a single word, nothing. "Wanna dance?" She finally asks when she grabs my hand. Cameron twirls me around, then brings me to her. She plants a soft kiss on my nose, and grabs the remote to turn on the music.

A slow song plays, and she wraps her hands around my waist, while I put my arms on her shoulders. "We're a weird couple, you know that?" I finally break the silence. I see a smile flash through her eyes.

This causes my face to turn a little red, and for a roller coaster to ride through my stomach. She pulls me closer, and we are hugging and swaying back and fourth. I smile to myself as I begin to think about what else will happen.

I know it's not always the best to look into the future, but I can't help it. Will we have kids? All the animals we say we are going to get? Will we be as successful as we are hoping for?

I think about me and Cameron. We are good for now, our relationship strong. Her and I are two peas in a pod, and I don't know where will be in the future, but when it comes to thinking of Cameron, I'm stuck in the past, and only half of the present.

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