Chapter 7

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Today has been a very long day. After Cameron took me away from Ben she brought me to the park. It's very busy at this time of day, since all the kids just got out of school.

"Did Ben ever abuse you?" Cameron asks as we start our walk along the trail. I don't want to answer, because I don't know if I can call it abuse. "That's a strong word Cam" I tell her looking down at the ground.

"When he got angry at you for reasons did he ever hit you? I need know, Lucy." I sigh why won't you stop! You're sending me mixed signals here! "Once, but that was because I spilt coffee all over his paper. And when I tried fixing it I ripped it in half."

"I deserved it" I explain quickly, knowing that if I stopped there, then she would have been angrier. She's about to speak when she cuts herself off. Cameron smiles, and I turn my head to look in her direction.

Standing there, the same girl that has been talking to Cameron is sitting at a bench. I want to scream as I stare at this girl with long dark brown hair. Why must you be here! Is all I want to shout at the brunette.

"Ash!" Cameron screams running to this girl called 'Ash'. I slowly trudge behind Cameron towards the girl. "Hey! It's cool seeing you! And thanks again for helping me with my problem."

"Oh, you're so welcome Cameron! Any time you need help with–" I see as Ash's eyes flicker to me real quickly. What does that mean? "–your problem."

"I could have helped you" I mumble to myself more than them. Neither of them heard me, and I decide to just walk away. I begin my journey to a swing; just on the other end of the park.

I take a seat, and slowly push myself back and forth. I could have helped I think as I look back up to see Ash and Cameron laughing. Pull it together I try to give myself a pep talk.

It's not helping. I look back down at the ground. I want to ask God 'why?', I want answers as to why I'm feeling all of this. Cameron did nothing to make me feel this way on purpose.

I feel a presence sit on a swing next to me. I look up to find it's Cameron; staring at me with a smile. No I tell myself, saying that it's just a form of hello.

"You wants to knows who I likes?" She asks adding an 's' on a few of her words. I roll my eyes "sure" is all I say as I wait for her to continue. "You" the smile breaks into an even bigger one.

"Ha ha so funny. You should be a comedian" I say sarcastically. "I'm not kidding, it's you." I continue to not believe her. She sighs "fine. Don't believe me. You ready to go?" I nod and stand up.

She kisses my nose before walking off into the direction of her car. I say nothing as I stare at her you've got to be kidding me! Is all that runs through my mind.

After a few moments of staring; I finally break out of my trance. I quickly head in the direction of Cameron and her car, ready to get home after an exhausting day.

'She has to be joking', 'why would she say that?' 'Does she know I like her, and is she trying to use it against me?' All these thoughts jumble around in my brain.

I hadn't got the greatest night of sleep last night. I've been so stressed out lately. About my feelings, school, and trying to decide whether I need to make more friends.

I'm sitting at my desk, a slow Wednesday passing by as I do my History project. A paper flies in my direction. I look on the floor, where the paper lays.

Eh, not today the voice in my head says as I look right back at my paper. I'm not in the mood to read notes right now. I just want to get back home.

Another note flies, and hits me in the face. I look down at where it landed, right next to my paper. Still not feeling it I ignore the paper wad for a second time.

Six more come flying at me and I finally decide to pick one up.

You and Cameron have been getting close, haven't you? I know about her, you know? About how she enjoys the company of women more than men.

I look up, and come face to face with Ben. I almost forgot he's in my class. I glare at him, my eyes beginning to hurt. I decide to right a note back:

You know nothing you dirty little pig. You're nothing but a cheater and a lier. Whatever you think you know, isn't true.

I throw the note aggressively back at Ben. He reads the words, and tries his best not to laugh. I look back down at my paper he doesn't care I think as I begin to write down more information about Thomas Edison.

Finally, it's lunch time. I decide not to eat lunch though. Instead, I head to the library where I hope to get some studying done. I should, I have no one to keep me distracted.

Cameron would never skip out on lunch, food is the only thing she wants to have a relationship with. I take a seat at a table closest to the door.

I sit down, and open up my book to prepare studying for Earth Science. Fifteen minutes pass, then twenty more. The door to the library opens, and I hear someone walking in. I push it away, telling myself it's just another kid.

I hear the chair in front of me slide out, then back in. I don't look up, instead I try my best to concentrate on my Science book. "Don't ignore me, Lucy" I hear a voice say. The voice of the devil himself. "What do you want, Ben" I bite at him.

"I know everything, Lucy. And unless you don't do what I need, so will everyone else." I stare at him oh boy is the last thing I think in my mind, when he grabs my arm and pulls me out the library door.

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