Ch. I

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Mary POV

     I walked though the endless shelves of books, hot cocoa in hand (my usual winter drink), carrying quite a collection of books, including, but not limited to: FableHaven, Beautiful Creatures, Hush Hush, Avalon, and Hex Hall. 

      I tugged down my "I'm a Ravenclaw" t-shirt over my leggings as I walked through the Fantasy section, looking for something magical. I gasped a bit once I saw it. It was the 5th book of the Tigers Curse series (my favorite!!!). I ran over to it immediately. I tugged at it, but someone pulled the other end. I recognized him easily. 

It was Martin Brier.

Oh great, the meanest, most nasty guy on Earth wanted to read the same book as me. this wont end well...

Him and all of the other Warriors made fun of me beyond words. They called me names like "Bookworm" "Nerd Almighty" and "Geekasaurus".

Oh, and by the way, the Warriors are a group of guys made up of Ashton Picket (leader), Martin Brier (Second in command), Jesse Archers (third in command), and Jason Brier, Martin's younger brother. (fourth in command). They are all pretty bid flirts and love messing with people. They seem to have a fondness of teasing me though, which is utterably horrible and stupid, but who says i cared!

He was dressed a bit differently thean his normal attire. He wore a red plaid shirt, jeans, some old shoes, and a navy blue beanie, complimenting his blue eyes well. He looked up at me, a bit curious.

"Mary?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. It was extreeeemmmeellyy hard for me to hold back my sarcasm, but I did. "Yeah?" I looked down at the book "Your a Tigers fan too?"

Martin blushed. My heart fluttered at his blushing.

WAIT. Hold up, since when did Martin Brier blush?! "I've read all of the books at least twice" he said, grinning. He had a cute, lopsided grin.

WAIT AGAIN. Martin Brier was not cute! Nor his smile! He was just mean and nasty to me since like 5th grade! I mentally slapped myself in the face, removing the thought. I looked up at him "Yeah, their pretty addicting.".

He raised an eyebrow at me, probably quite amused "You think so? Well then, you can read it." he said, smirking at me. It wasnt his usual "hahaha I like to tease you" smirk, it was something else. It was more...oh I dont know...friiendly, I guess.

"Umm... t-thanks..." I stuttered. Why was I so nervous around this guy!? He smiled at me, making my heart flutter again. "Later Mary-Berry" he said, and was gone.

Mary-Berry? That was my nickname way back in like second grade! How could he remember that?  Even I didnt remember that. Weird.

Haii guys! I hope you like this first part of my book :3 I'll be switching from Mary's POV, to Martin's POV, and maybe even to Ash's. Please let me know what you think! Love you guys!! <3


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