Chapter 6

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Ezra was awoken by the his alarm clock informing him that it was half past seven in the morning; this sent the boy into a slight panic as he was meant to get up at six and prepare a nice breakfast for Tom!! Jumping out of bed, Ezra hurried to run....bed?? Coming to a halt, the teen spun around and looked at the room he was in; the events of the day before hit him like a ton of bricks. Taking a deep breathe to calm his nerves, Ezra hopped into the shower which was behind a door in another area of the attic, washed his hair and body - it felt extremely strange as he couldn't remember the last time he was able or even allowed to take a shower or bath; Tom believed that using any water on Ezra would be a waste - "you're a street rat and street rats aren't clean" is what he would say. Once he was satisfied with his now clean condition, the teen jumped out of the shower and dried himself off before going to change into his old dirty clothes...except they weren't where he had put them last night or anywhere else for that matter. But there was in fact a set of clothes neatly followed up on the small sofa, along with a note; he hadn't noticed them before, either in a state of panic or still in a tired state. Ezra picked up the note and read it "These are some of Kanan's old clothes so they'll be a little big but should do for now. - Hera" she must have put them in here before he had woken up; the teen quickly changed into the clothes and looked a himself in the mirror. It was a green and white check shirt, a pair of blue jeans, a pair of black combo boots. Although green wasn't a color he would normally wear - it's not like he really had a chance to wear anything else other than the rags Tom was forced to give him - but it was quite nice. 

Once he had towel dried his hair, Ezra left his new room and entered the kitchen to see Kanan, Zeb and Sabine sat at the table whilst Hera was finishing up making breakfast. "Whoa!! There was a kid under all that dirt" Zeb joked "a blue haired kid at that". Due to being so filthy, it looked as if the boys hair was black, not blue. Sabine was the first to actually greet their new friend with a half smile - she was still tired "why'd you run full speed down the stairs??" they had all heard the speeding foot prints of their new roommate, wondering if their was a fire. "Sorry I woke up late, I can help finish breakfast now if you want??" Ezra offered, now becoming nervous due to his old life's habits; they all raised an eye brow "you didn't sleep in kid, you're right on time to be honest" Zeb reassured, followed by Hera who had to speak over her shoulder due to cooking "and cooking breakfast is usually my job silly". She placed the eggs onto the plates, along with some toast, before joining everyone at the table; Ezra did the same. Like the night before, the four noticed the lack of food their new friend ate "dig in kid, the eggs aren't gonna eat themselves" Kanan said as he looked over at the boy; Ezra looked up to see all eyes on him "sorry, it's just...I'm not used to having breakfast so...I'm not that hungry". Something clicked in Zeb's mind that made him halt in eating his food - it was a rare act "hold this Tom guy never let you eat but forced you to cook for him?!" he asked earning a nod "yeah, I cooked all of his meals unless I was at school or if he ordered takeout" he explained "but I never got any". Once breakfast was over, they grabbed their jackets and bags - Ezra was borrowing one of Kanan's of course - and left for school. 

They took the same rout as always and eventually reached their destination; they entered the building and made their way towards their usual class. Whilst walking through the hallways, Ezra couldn't help but over hear many whispers "did you hear about the new kid getting fostered by some young couple??" and "I bet his old guardian didn't even want him" and "he is an annoying pathetic street rat after all". Great, just what he wanted. They didn't know the story, they didn't know his past. And it was clear they didn't know the young couple were Kanan and Hera. After a few more minutes, the group arrived at their class room and Miss Hart was soon to follow "good morning class" everyone was asking why the police were there the day before "there's nothing to worry about so calm yourselves, the police just needed to deal with a few things" the teacher knew it wasn't her business to speak the truth on that matter. She stated that they could talk for another five minutes but then they'd begin their math lesson. The lesson passed quickly, followed by their science which led to break time; the group of friends sat outside. There were a few more whispered but the newbie just ignored them and focused on his mates. Inside of the school, Jack and followers decided to do some research on Ezra; they found themselves in the school library, logging onto one of the computers. After typing 'Ezra Bridger' into google, they found something that they called the jackpot; Jack hurried to print it out and photocopied over a hundred sheets before sticking them up everywhere in the school. 

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