I Dare You

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Dare to hope,

in love and happiness,

in lustful recklessness,

in loving warmth of an old friend,

then maybe these wounds will mend,

and I’ll be directed away from my dead end.

Dare to see,

the burdens of our race,

do not turn a blind eye,

do not choose ignorance,

to be blissfully unaware,

stand up and face the music with a vengeance,

in this fight that is endless.

Dare to care,

to lend a helping hand,

to be the sturdy wall of structure that keeps someone afloat,

to give a gesture of kindness,

no matter how small,

do not be enthralled.

Dare to feel!

Who’s to say it makes you weak,

to have emotion?

To let somebody see you cry?

It made me strong.

When they come I will be grateful I felt,

when they pour fire upon me.

I will not feel!

No longer a pawn,

I am free,

I am sovereign.

Dare to live!

Breathe in the spring lilacs and smile!

Take a walk in the park with your family,

only God knows when they will be taken.

Dance in the rain for no apparent reason.

Kiss in the rain,

cry in the rain so the salt can be quickly washed away and you can laugh again,

do maybe, unspeakable things in the rain,

only for it to be washed away.

Your memories flooding the street.

Dare to hope!

Because if not hope what do we have?

The sins of our brothers?

The depression of our colleagues?

The loss of our neighbours?

The sorrow of our lovers?

The desperation of our foes?

If not the sun shining down on us with warmth,


and the playful wind blowing through our hair,


if not fresh snowflakes as they melt on our tongues,

what do we have?

Let our pain be like that.

Melting away only to leave small enough particles only to confirm its existence,

everyone is different.

But small enough to slip away.

To let go.

To shatter and not revive.

I dare you to carry your candle of hope and shield it from the elements,

the hardships,

and the peril of man.

To feed your flicker of fire into an unquenchable inferno,

for goodness sakes brethren.

Dare to love!

Do not be afraid of the foreign emotion!

It can lead to something beautiful,

or it can lead to something miserable,

a ravishing melancholy.

But how would you know if you don't give it a go?

Haven't you ever heard "tis better to have loved and lost,

than to have not loved at all"?

Dare to hope.

Dare to see.

Dare to care.

Dare to feel.

Dare to live.

Dare to be.

Because I don't know when their coming back for me.


Before it's too late!

Dare to be!

So then when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

we shall fear no evil.

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