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Toss you morals out the window!

You must be okay to do what wrong,

conscious to do what’s right.

Are you up for the challenge?

They will one day call you,

the Black Widow.


That is what you must become.

Your shortcomings too far gone,

to be corrected.

Run, towards the sun!

Until it burns you out and there is only one left.

You won’t hold the crest.

Doing what feels wrong.

Doing what feels right.

But you must be ignorant,

to win this fight.

You must be strong!

But not smart.

Braun over brains,

but remain sharper than a dart.

You’re fearful and cowardly.

Monstrous and blind.

It’s like you were born with two sides.

You’re horrid.

Detestable and rude.

Crazy and insane.


Maybe, just maybe my trust in you is renewed.

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