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We are all so beautiful yet so ugly.

The smile of a "deformed" child is a gift from God Himself,

and blinds me with its beauty.

I don't think anything can be more beauteous,

I would snap a picture bot no camera lens could ever capture this scene in all its majesty,

memory is the only way.

The warmth, serenity and genuine joy is irreplaceable.

You need to see it to believe it.

It's too ironic.

Excuse my bitter tongue and accusing tone,

but how can such a blemished woman be revered like so?

Seemingly flawless.

When she is nothing but an empty shell,

hallow and shallow in all the places that matter,

when she raises her nose like a pompous idiot,

looking down on those she finds unworthy of her kindness,

of simple decency,

yet she smiles those dazzling smiles.

Don't you know?

It's a rouse.

Her real face is that of a banshee howling away with nothing sensical to say!


how people are so easily tricked,


They can't see behind the thinly veiled beast inside.

They can't take a moment to really look at this less than perfect picture.

They miss the real beauty of everyday people.

A kind beauty.

A generous beauty.

A compassionate beauty.

A nonjudgmental beauty.

It's too grievous.

I can feel the sharp nails of circumstances yanking out my heart,

right here right now.

Leaving me naked for the upcoming winter.

She is already cold as ice.

Am I the only one that sees?

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