Chapter 4

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Ezra's POV
"No, but I feel like I know her somehow." I said.
"Is she like a friend or something?" Hera asked.
"I don't know, I don't really remember her but she seems so familiar to me, but I don't know why." Ezra said.
Hera looked at Kanan, then back to Ezra and said, "Well who knows who she is, Maybe if you see her again. She'll tell you."
"Yeah, Maybe." I said.
"Anyways, did you guys get the rest of the stuff on the list?" Hera asked.
"Of course." Kanan said.

They all walked up the ramp and into the ship.

Unknown POV
'Ugh I can't stop thinking about the boy. Maybe if I get a little target practice that will help get him off my mind' I thought, and grabbed one of my blasters and looked at it. "Great, it's busted. Looks like it needs a new part. Better go back to town to get, or steal it. Ugh I really gotta stop talking to myself..." I said to myself, and started to walk towards town.

Hera's POV
"Ezra, can you come here for a minute." I yelled, from the cockpit.

Ezra walked into the cockpit. "Yeah, what do ya need?" Ezra asked.
"I need you to go back into town and get this part that zeb and Sabine forgot." I said, as I handed Ezra a date pad and some credits.
"Yeah, sure." Ezra said, and climbed down the latter. He walked down the ramp and headed towards town.


Ezra's POV
I was walking through town when I felt a twinge in the force. I wanted to check it out but I dismissed it from my mind thinking it was nothing. I walked up to a stand I knew had the part Hera needed, luckily they had one part left, I bought the part and started walking through town headed back towards the ghost. As I was walking I felt a twinge in the force again, now I was getting more curious.

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