Corrupted Prophecy

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      “He did what?!” I exclaim as my friends Tara Nolan and Ryder Smith tell me the latest news about my brother sneaking out again to do a wolf run. I can feel myself fuming inside.

         “He was trying to be sneaky about it but your brother Drew said he could hear him from all the way down the hall last night. Surprised you didn’t hear him as well because we all know how hard a sleeper Drew is.” Ryder would know this because he is my brother’s best friend and Ryder has been known to pull pranks on Drew in his sleep. They both are goof-balls, explains why they are best friends.

       I roll my eyes, “I told Charlie he can’t be so irresponsible to just run at random times in his wolf whenever he feels like it! He is going to get seen one of these days and there will be hell to pay. I don’t know what he is thinking!” I let out a loud groan in frustration.

       Tara nods in agreement and pats my back sympathetically. “Charlie is just stubborn and won’t listen to anybody except your father and my brother Jude, and you know that. So talk to Jude about it, I am sure he could straighten it out with him. Don’t worry, Jude never listens to me either but I have to say that Charlie is a whole lot worse so I don’t know how you live with the guy.”

“Don’t know how you deal with Drew either,” Ryder says under his breath.

       “Just wait till Charlie gets home though,” I growl. I notice Tara and Ryder exchange a glance and both get up at the same time.

       “We are going to head out now,” Tara gives me a quick hug and smiles. I have always wished I could be as beautiful as she is. While I have mud colored hair, she has these honey curls and waves and her skin is a natural bronze. Basically flawless.

Then I am engulfed in a hug from Ryder.

        “Would love to stay and watch the battle go down between you and Charlie but I have got to finish some things up at home. Also I promised Drew I would meet up with him in the woods with Teagan and Jude. We are going to sniff out those vamps again. You coming with us Tara?”

       “Sure thing. You know I love tracking down those blood suckers.” Tara lets out a playful growl. I walk to the door with them but then Charlie comes barging through and almost knocks Tara over. Gosh, that boy is like a muscle freight train. Charlie catches Tara before she can hit the ground and then they mumble a few words but you could totally tell they were making googly eyes at each other.

     “I am sorry Tara. I didn’t know you were standing right there,” Charlie says while looking at the ground now. I just roll my eyes.

        “It’s okay, Charles. I mean, you did catch me so I think I can forgive you,” Tara smiles up at my brother. They start doing the whole googly eye thing again and Ryder and I are trying not to break down laughing.

      I decide to break up the love fest. “Didn’t you guys say you had places to be and people to see?”

        Tara blinks suddenly and immediately blushes, “Oh yeah, we were just heading out. Well, I guess we will see you guys later. Bye Shiloh,” Tara pauses and then turns to my brother before going out the door to follow Ryder, “It was nice running into you Charles.”

      I close the door because I could tell my brother was on the urge to follow Tara right out the door but I had some talking to him to do.

“What were you doing on a wolf run by yourself last night? Don’t even try to deny it because Drew heard you even!” I start tapping my foot against the floor and cross my arms when Charlie just looks at me and then my tapping foot.

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