Chapter 2: The Attack

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Aragorn raced through the forest, doing his best to track the hobbit and Boromir.

'Why did he go off on his own?'
Aragorn thought to himself. Surely Frodo would have mentioned something to him before leaving the camp.

'He could have at least said something to Sam.'
Aragorn continued his hunt when Legolas's words suddenly came back to him.

"Something draws near."
What did he mean? What was coming? Aragorn didn't have time to think about it.
He had to find Frodo and Boromir, then return to the others and leave this place.

A voice suddenly cried out from the forest. Aragorn's heart raced as he recognized the voice, Boromir.

He raced towards the spot where he had heard him, he burst through the trees and emerged into a clearing, he froze in horror.

Boromir was standing over Frodo, one hand grasping his sword, and the other holding the Ring.


Boromir raised his sword over Frodo, the hobbit couldn't move, he was frozen in fear. He couldn't believe what was happening.

Boromir, his friend, has taken the ring, betrayed the fellowship, and was about to kill him.

Frodo closed his eyes, waiting for the blow that would end his life, but it never came.

He heard Boromir gasp and fall to the ground. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Aragorn!" he called out. Frodo watched in horror as Aragorn and Boromir fought on the ground. Boromir was trying to wrestle Aragorn's sword from him, Aragorn looked urgently at him.

"Frodo! The Ring!"
The Ring? The Ring! Frodo quickly scanned the ground for any sign of the Ring, his eye caught a small flash of gold. He found it!

His hand quickly reached out to grab it, he clasped the Ring tightly in his hand.

"Run! Run Frodo!" Aragorn's warning came too late.

Frodo was grabbed from behind and swung around. The Ring was ripped out of his hands and a knife was placed at his neck.

Aragorn stood with his sword in his hand, his forehead was bleeding from a cut, and he was breathing heavily.

"Let him go Boromir." He didn't move but kept his hand grasped firmly on his sword. Boromir pressed the blade harder against Frodo's neck.

The hobbit's eyes were wide in terror. This couldn't be happening. Boromir laughed manically. His eyes were filled with madness.

"Why should I let him go? You will just kill me." Aragorn took a step forward.

"This isn't you Boromir, it's the Ring. It's poisoned your mind. Let me help you."

"Help? How can you help anyone?" Boromir began backing away, keeping the blade firmly pressed against Frodo's neck.

"Let him go," Aragorn said calmly.
"Give up the ring, we can go somewhere safe, we'll find someone to help you."

Boromir tensed. The hand clutching the ring gripped it tighter.

"Give up the ring? Go somewhere safe? How can we be safe while Sauron still lives?"

He was shouting now. Frodo desperately hoped that someone would hear them. Surely Legolas would be able to hear Boromir's shouts from here.

Frodo didn't know much about elves, but he was sure that someone like Legolas could hear the commotion. 'Please, please someone, help us!'

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