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Normally, the corridors were filled with people. In the dead of night, there was only a stray person going to bed.

It was relatively easy for Wanda to walk down the hall, heading for the first computer room she saw. She ducked inside, turning on a computer, before entering her SHIELD ID and password.

She gave no notice to when the door opened behind her. "Are you in?" Pietro asked as he walked up to her.

"I'm in," she nodded, pulling up the SHIELD database. "I have no idea where to start, however."

"Search her name?" Pietro suggested.

Wanda considered. "Jessie, or Bad Wolf?"

"Try Jessie first, see what shows up."

Wanda typed in her name, then pressed enter. Several files they did not need pulled up, but two caught Wanda's attention. "What does this mean?" she asked, pulling up the two files.

Pietro frowned, looking at two women that did not resemble the Bad Wolf in any way. The only similarity they shared was the sparkle of kindness in their eyes. One had dark hair in a French braid, her eyes the color of whiskey, wearing a black catsuit like he had seen Natasha wear before. The other woman had wavy blonde hair, a pair of black sunglasses on her head. She wore a purple dressy camisole top, black jeans, black heeled combat boots, and a long black trench coat. They looked nothing like the Bad Wolf. "Who are these two?" he wondered.

"They are all classified," Wanda frowned. "Their details are locked down."

"Try Bad Wolf, then."

Wanda backed up and typed in the name. Fewer results showed up, but one file had a name Wanda recognized. She swallowed, hovering over the name: Lake Silencio. "It was written by Agent Harper," she realized.

"What is Lake Silencio?" Pietro frowned.

"This is it, Pietro," Wanda swallowed, opening the file. The Bad Wolf was there, smirking, wearing cowboy boots, a brown poncho with tassels, and a tan Stetson. Stamped underneath the photo was a red label: DECEASED. "The Bad Wolf, formerly known as Agent Jessie Nightshade, wife of the Doctor, died at Lake Silencio, Utah, at 5:02 PM on the 22nd of April, 2019. This is when she died."

"But that was months ago," Pietro frowned. "How could she still be alive?"

"It is in her future," was what Wanda guessed. "Which means there still may be a chance this can change."

"I hope so," Pietro closed his eyes. "For all our sakes."


"What do you mean, you won't scan?" Jessie grumbled as the TARDIS acted up, refusing to scan the bracelet Thor had given her. "Why won't you scan?"

"I will not identify it," the TARDIS grated out. "Those should not exist."

"That bad, huh?" Jessie sat back in the captain's chair. "What are you?" she asked, twisting the bracelet to and fro. "What could you possibly be?"


To be continued with "Let's Kill Hitler!"

I know it's been forever, but remember that old book, "Living In Time And Space?" Dust it off, because we're heading back over there, because this book is complete!

Thank you everyone who has dealt with me and this horrible transcript. :) Back to actual Doctor Who now, and I will update "Let's Kill Hitler" before I start everything else back up.

I will see you all soon again! :D

 ~ WB039

Fighting A New War (Book Seven of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now