Chapter One

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Sooo many people are excited for this! It's great. :)

The raid in Sokovia continues, Tony and Bruce work on Ultron, and cool is cool. ;)


"Shit!" Tony cursed as he flew away from the HYDRA base.

"What did you do this time, Stark?" Jessie laughed as she flew past.

"Language!" Steve admonished before looking around. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," the AI answered. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor nodded as the Doctor landed by him, eyes glowing red with the Aether. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." He threw his hammer at a few HYDRA operatives, sending them towards Saleen as she shot past. "At long last."

Natasha quickly ducked a few soldiers, then knocked them out. "At lost last is lasting a little long, boys," she complained.

"Speaking of . . . you're late!" Thor glared at the Doctor, throwing his hammer again.

"Are we?" the Doctor tried to check his watch, then quickly blasted a few HYDRA agents away with the Aether, sending them to Jessie as she blasted lightning down. "You said 10 am, didn't you?"

"PM!" Steve called. "Yesterday!"

"Ooo . . . " The Doctor cringed. "Oops?"

"This is why I said to let me drive," Jessie smirked as she landed, pulling out her blaster and shooting at one of the tanks driving by. "At least I'm accurate."

"I think we lost the element of surprise!" Clint put in.

"Wait a second," Tony said in disbelief. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'"

"I know," Steve sighed, throwing his shield. 'It just slipped out. Please, no one tell Martha?"

"Nothing ever gets past the wife, Captain," the Doctor shook his head, ducking as Jessie threw a fireball over his head. "Especially when they've traveled with me."

"That's what I was afraid of," Steve sighed.


"Doing all right?" Saleen asked as she landed by Clint.

"Could use a hand," Clint admitted, firing his arrows continuously, when a silvery blur shot past them, throwing both of them away.

When they recovered their vision, a man in a blue jacket with white hair smirked at them as he walked by. "You didn't see that coming?" he asked before speeding off again.

Saleen frowned, then Clint let out a cry, and she turned, seeing him fall again, a bullet in the shoulder. "Clint!" she shouted.

"We have an enhanced in the field!" Steve reported.

"Where?" Jessie asked.

"He's too fast to tell."

"Clint's hit," Saleen said, leaning over the man to check. She glared at where the shot had come from: a bunker that had machine guns tracking everyone. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" she asked.

The Hulk landed with a smash on the bunker, then Jessie lobbed a fireball at it, and the bunker exploded. "Thank you," Saleen called.

Jessie gave a thumbs up, then flew off again.


"Stark, we really need to get inside!" Steve snapped as the Doctor caught up to him.

"I'm closing in," Tony promised. "JARVIS, am I . . . closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?"

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