Chapter Eight

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To show you just how bad this transcript is in the non-speaking area, here is the part for the epic battle scene:

They all fight off Ultron's attacking robots.

. . . that was it. Not even a little kudos to the Vision, Thor, and Tony for helping destroy the robot?! Pfft! This is why if something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't right.

Well, anyway, Avengers assemble here, and Pietro's fate is decided. }:) Fair warning . . . there is more bad in here than good.

Only one chapter and an epilogue after this! :D


The moment they converged on the church, Pietro went to Wanda. "You good?" he asked.

"Yeah," Wanda nodded.

"Romanoff?" Tony looked around as Saleen landed on the ground. "You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini."

"Relax, Shellhead," Natasha glared as she climbed the steps up. "Not all of us can fly. What's the drill?"

"This is the drill," Tony pointed to the vibranium core. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

Thor glared as Ultron hovered nearby. "Is that the best you can do?" he challenged.

Ultron merely raised a fist. Everyone stared as masses of robots swarmed the area. "Did you have to ask?" the Doctor groaned.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron smirked. "This is what I've been waiting for. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well," Tony shrugged. "Like the old man said." Steve turned to glare at Tony, but Tony looked back at him. "Together."

The Hulk roared, and the Doctor backed up so he was standing back to back with Wanda. As the Ultron robots swarmed, Tony, Jessie, and the Vision flew up into the air, blocking the robots from above. The Doctor found very brief glimpses of Natasha's electric bracelets going off, saw Clint's arrows take effect. More than once, one of Wanda's robots flung over his head, to be destroyed by Tony as he flew past. The Hulk actually tore off a robot's head with his mouth, proceeding to spit it out like a bitter pill. Steve multitasked between destroying robots and protecting Martha when needed, and whenever a robot got too close to the core, Pietro would zoom past and destroy them.

Ultron growled finally, diving in to reach the core himself, but the Vision caught him in midair. The two robots wrestled with each other, and Ultron threw the Vision against the wall, intending to smash him. The Vision just released an energy beam from the Mind Stone, throwing Ultron back. The Vision intensified the beam, flying closer. Thor blasted Ultron with lightning, and Tony concentrated his energy beams on him as well. Then Jessie flew down, summoning what Vortex energy she could, then flung it at Ultron as well. The Doctor pitched in last, concentrating on blasting Ultron with the Aether.

Together, the five of them made Ultron's covering melt, revealing tons of wires inside. Ultron groaned, feebly waving a hand, and the blasts all stopped at the same time. "You know," Ultron groaned, "with the benefit of hindsight - "

The Hulk tossed Ultron as far as he could, and the robots all started running away. "They'll try to leave the city," Thor warned.

"We can't let 'em, not even one," Tony shook his head. "Rhodey!"

"I'm on it," Rhodey answered, and Jessie turned to wink at the Vision. The android gave a small smile back, then rose into the air and flew off. "Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave," Rhodey was telling the droids. "War Machine, coming at you, right a - " The Vision started destroying the robots as well, and the Doctor snorted loudly as Jessie laughed. "OK, what?"

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