Chapter 1

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Hey guys hope you like, this had been edited but please point out any mistakes that I missed:)

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Chapter 1

Natasha's POV

"Natasha Emma Woodact, I suggest you get your lazy ass out of your bed before I come and poor a bucket of freezing cold water on you!" my Mother screams from behind my door. 

I just grumbled and went back to my dreamless sleep.

Next thing I know is that I have been woken up from a bucket of cold or should I say freezing cold water being poured on top of me.  

"I warned you Tash, now put that mattress out side to dry and get dressed," my Mother said. 

God mothers these days!

After struggling to get my mattress outside on my balcony, I finally succeed and decide to go have a shower and pick our my outfit for today. 

After around 20 minutes of showering I hop out and walk to my walk-in-wardrobe. Half of it is covered in gorgeous dresses, shorts, pretty T-shirts and jeans, yeah you get my point. And the other half is lined with tomboy daggy baggy clothes. At the bottom of all these clothes is my shoe collection spreading all across the ground but leaving a walk way for me to walk and easily see each and every single pair of shoes.  

I decide on the usual boy top saying fail on it and a pair of loose jeans. Also a pair of skate shoes. I head over to my bathroom and look under the sink cabinet. All lined across it is make up doing it's only job to disguise me. I pick out tan foundation, my glasses, contacts to hide my turquoise and hazel eyes, eye liner, light black mascara, a wig, and a lighter shade of pink lip gloss that isn't glossy at all. 

I know a lot of make up here.  

After putting all the make up on and glasses I put the wig over my hair. This wig is the same color as my hair just a shorter version. Yeah I know what your thinking, 'why don't I get my hair cut?' but trust me I have done that before. Because of my 'disease' my hair grows heaps long extra fast. So right now it is at the start of my butt. When the wigs length is just past my shoulder blades. 

Sometimes I wish I didn't have beautacotic (A/N made up word pronounces bue-ta-cot-ic) it's just so annoying being so perfect that I have to hide myself my turquoise and hazel eyes which is only the color  beauticotic people have. So that's why I need to wear my hazel contacts so no one can suspect a thing. If I ever forgot those contacts my life will be ruined. Everyone knowing I have this disease and that I have a perfect everything under these clothes and make up and also my voice is different then my life will be so annoying everyone asking questions that I hate to answer.

Oh yeah, I have a voice thingy where you put it on the back of your mouth and it makes your voice different.  

All this is what I have grown used too. All this getting up early, just to put on this disguise. But all this is what makes me me. It's my disguise. 

* * * 

I pull up in front of the school in my most stupid car ever, a green old Volvo.  

I wish I had a car that actually looks good! My dream car is a Cadillac convertible. But I know I'm not going to get it.  

I get odd glares as I walk around the school making my way to the office to collect my new schedule.  

If anything were to happen it would happen right now. 

And it did...


Hope you guys like it.  

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On side is Natasha's dream car, it's actually the one my Mother and Father own.

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