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*Picture of the main character here, her name is Julia.*
*Warning: Violence abuse, possible trigger.*

Slap! A sharp stinging pain slaps on my back and I grit my teeth, breathing in quickly. I can do this. I mentally tell myself so many times. I can fight the pain. I'll live and survive like I had many times before when it come to doing this. I'll live through it.

Slap! I feel something warm runs down on my back and I know it is my blood, coming out of my freshly open wounds. But I'm not gonna worry about that. I had lost a lot blood before. It's not the first time it happened.

Slap! Then nothing. Large numb feelings cover up the pain and I no longer feel hurt. A tear escapes my eye, trying so hard not to burst in tears. He wouldn't like me crying like a baby. I know what will happen if I let out thousands of tears. He would never stop until I stop.

"Ok..." A gruff voice speaks as I quickly wipe away the escaped tear. "Get out of my sight."

I get up, pulling on my grey t-shirt carefully, trying not to let it touch most of the wounds, and I rush to my bedroom from the living room. I take a left turn and walk into the hall. I pass two doors at the right, then turn left to the third door. I open it and shut it as I enter into my room. My walls are a dull blue, the carpet's light grey, nothing special about them. A bed takes its spot at the right corner, a rectangular glass window next to it, a white dresser at the other side of the room, a wooden bookshelf next to it, and a bathroom connecting to my bedroom next to the other side of the dresser.

I pull off my shirt, again carefully, as I walk into the bathroom. My bathroom is not very neat and not like any other wolves' bathroom. A small shower connects with a white marble tub at the end of the bathroom, a fake silver sink at the left side, a toilet between the tub and sink, and a huge rectangular mirror hangs above the sink.

I drop the shirt on the plain blue tiles, making a soft spat with wet blood, and look at myself in the mirror. The walls are creamy white color. My eyes lay on a pale teenage girl in the mirror, her sapphire blue eyes are wide with such sadness and fear, her long sahara hair lazily reflects the light, however, they still make the girl looks beautiful. And that girl is me. I turn around, showing my bare back being covered in blood and wounds. Three big bloody cuts contrast on my back and the wounds look so horrible. They'll make some new scars on it, I silently tell to myself. I see some of the old pinkish and whitish scars wrapping around on my back and shoulders from being abused many times from my stepdad. I hate him so much, but I'm really afraid of him. I hate him of how he abuses me, telling me that the deaths of my family is my fault, and no mate will ever love me. Every man will look at me as a weak and pathetic child, he told me many times before. They will rule over me without a sympathetic thought. Heck, he says every negative things he can finds in that drunken head of his. He always tell me that I'm lucky to be in his family, but I disagree with that. I rather to be free than to be part of a family that I do not find happiness in. I rather to be away from all males at all costs meaning I would die if I have to.

I strip my clothes off, gritting as I do when the pain shoots out in my back, shut the bathroom door, hop in the shower and turn on the hot water. My teeth grind when fiery pains come back to life as the hot water touches the fresh wounds. I gasp a few times, fighting the awful pains. The numbness slowly come again and I stop gasping and gritting my teeth. I carefully wash my back, trying my best not to touch the wounds with the shampoos and gently clean off most of the blood. Then, I wash my hair and the rest of my body. The water changes to light red as the blood leave my body and slowly disappears in the drain. I stand in the heated shower for a while, staring down and watching as the water go down no longer pink.

The Unbreakable Mate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now