Chapter 1- The Accident

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*Dawn's POV*

I walk into my grandmothers hospital room where she lied on her bed. Her genie lamp was right beside her, at her bedside. I fight with her all the time. She wasn't very nice to me.

"If it isn't my pathetic granddaughter they call a wizard." She grunted and I sigh. "I don't feel like doing this today."

"Then get out."
"I'm just concerned for you."
"I'm fine."
"You don't have to be so stubborn."
"I don't want you here."
"Your on your death bed grandma!"
"I can wish myself out of this you know!"
"Your time will come eventually!"

She clenched her fist and coughed. "I've had enough! I wish you had a curse put on you! I don't care what curse!" She said and my body started to glow. Her last wish was granted. She covered her mouth at the sight and I closed my eyes. I heard the heart monitor stop. She had passed away. A tear fell from my eyes and about a minute later, I opened my eyes to see I was still alive but... Everything looks so big.

I look down to see no feet. "Huh!?" I look in a mirror and realized that I've been transformed into a fairy. I quickly looked over at the genie and called out. "What curse did you cast on me!?"

She popped herself out of the lamp and smiled. "She said any curse right? She sounded pretty angry. I casted a pretty good spell if I do say so myself." She said spinning herself around. "But how do I break the curse, Genie?" I asked and she clapped her hands together and put them to her cheek, tilting her head to her shoulder and wiggling around.

"True loves kiss!"
"What is this a fairytale!? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!"
"I didn't finish."
"You have until the next full moon or you will be stuck as a fairy forever."
"Your kidding me... Right?"
"I don't kid around."
"Can I still do magic?"
"Indeed you can. Hold on... Ah, here!"

Genie handed me a purse. "There is fairy supplies in there."
"At least I can do magic."
"Yup! Oops, I need to get out of here! You can fly so carry me outside so someone can find me."

Genie said and I sigh. "Well, how do I fly...?"
"Isn't it the same as walking?"
"No because I don't have legs! I have nothing but glittery mist sprouting from my butt!"
"I wouldn't know because I never had legs to start with. Can't you like... Sprout legs?"
"That's a dumb question because I have no freaking idea."

A couple minutes went by before I actually knew how to fly. "Finally! Okay I'll bring you outside now!" I say and she goes back into the lamp. "'Make sure it looks like I was thrown." She said and I fly outside as fast as I can and start to go down after some distance and made sure she started to roll. I heard a slight thank you as she was out of sight.

I have to get out of here... I hear that a fairy shouldn't be seen by humans.  I fly straight up and look around. "Where am I going to find my 'true love'?" I mumble to myself and fly east. "If I'm not suppose to be seen by humans... How will I find him?" I started to think.

Maybe... Someone gentle? Caring and understanding? Hopefully I can find someone like that.

The full moon had passed a week ago so I don't have too long before the next full moon will arrive.

I need to find help fast

~ To Be Comtinued ~

[DISCONTINUED] Luca's FamiliarWhere stories live. Discover now